Knowledge Base

Categories (18)

IT Governance

IT governance is a university-wide effort that establishes the strategic, technical, and decision-making processes, roles, and structure necessary to align IT strategy and investments with the university’s mission and goals to ensure the effective and efficient use of IT resources and services.

Overview documents and different groups involved in the governance process are included in this area.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence information around the U of I.

Email, Messaging & Web

UI email and calendaring, mass mailings and email lists, instant messaging on campus or on mobile devices, and website-related issues.

IT Standards

U of I computing standards of all types.

WiFi & Connectivity

Connecting to the UI network, requesting network support for events, or firewall requests.


Quotas, connections, issues, queues, and devices related to printing.

Collaboration and Communication

Contains information on collaboration and communication services. These include Teams, Zoom, Telephone services, and Video Conferencing.

Classroom Technology

Services relating to the building, maintenance, and upkeep of university classrooms.

Accounts, Groups & Passwords

Reset passwords, request accounts, request access to student labs.

Hardware & Software

Hardware/software requests, issues, event equipment, technology equipment surplus, and mobile apps.

Administrative Applications

Banner, Marketplace, FAMIS, Evisions/Argos, Softdocs, etc.

File Storage

New storage location requests, increases for storage space, recovering files, large storage requests, webspace requests, and storage issues.

Data Security & Records

Anti-virus, multi-factor authentication, whole disk encryption, firewall, SSL certificates, data security issues, and Records Center storage.

Consulting, Training, & Projects

Solution needs, training, ITS project requests, project consulting, and event support requests.

IT Guides

IT Guides provide an easy way to solve common tasks which require interaction with multiple services.

Student Affairs

Knowledge base articles specific to Student Affairs.

Student Computing Labs

Services relating to the building, maintenance, and upkeep of university student computing labs.

Change Enablement

Articles relating to Change Enablement practices for OIT.

Articles (3)

Vandal Laptop Checkout Program

This form outlines the process for laptop rentals for students and answers basic questions regarding them.

Zoom iPad/iPhone Volume Issues

This article provides two workarounds to address the issue of users not being able to mute the volume completely in the Zoom iPad/iPhone client.