The University of Idaho provides internally facing department web sites named "InsideUI" hosted in SharePoint Online. These sites can be accessed through the main InsideUI "Hub" site at https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI.
- FERPA, HIPAA and other confidential information should ONLY be used on these sites if University of Idaho authorized authentication is used.
- Accessibility is a requirement. Please see FSH 6400 for more information.
- Users don’t read - they scan.
- Users follow their intuition.
- Users appreciate quality & credibility.
- Users are looking for clear and direct information.
- To avoid confusion, it is recommended that each content area reference their contact information for any questions related to their area.
All InsideUI sites are named "https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI-[SiteName]". The SiteName is typically the department title or initials and cannot include spaces or special characters. It is also limited to 45 characters in length.
Example InsideUI Site Names:
- https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI-Engineering
- https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI-OIT
- https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI-UCM
To request an InsideUI site please submit this form to University Communications and Marketing (UCM) for approval.
Once your site is approved you will get an email inviting you to the group to manage permissions for the site. Once you have accepted the invitation in the email you must log out and then back in before it will take effect.
Note: When a new InsideUI site is created you will need to sign-out and back in to be able to edit the site. There may also be some provisioning delays to be able to fully edit. If there are issues, we recommend waiting up to four hours, closing your browser and trying again.
Each InsideUI site has a security group created to manage the site "Members". All site members have the ability to edit the site content. The InsideUI site owner has the ability to add/remove members of the security group.
The InsideUI site members group is named "InsideUI-[Site]-Members" and can be found in the https://mygroups.microsoft.com/ web application. The site owner can add and remove group members on the MyGroups page. A direct link to the site group is in the site creation email received by the owner.
An example InsideUI site is available at https://vandalsuidaho.sharepoint.com/sites/InsideUI-Example. It showcases a few design and web part options available when creating your own department site.
This image shows the different web parts for the example page and the two sections.

All InsideUI sites are associated with a central Hub site. The top horizontal navigation, referred to as the "Hub Site Navigation", is controlled from this central hub site and menu changes must be submitted to University Communications and Marketing (UCM). New InsideUI sites are *not* automatically added to the menu. Once your site is ready, submit a request to link it to the top navigation.
There are several web parts that you will be able to add to your new intranet site to add the information you need to it. Here you can learn more about all of the web parts that you may have access too.
All InsideUI site content is automatically shared to all University of Idaho employees and students. This is controlled through an "InsideUI-Visitors" security group. Site members with Edit access do not have access to change sharing settings.
Why are users seeing "Sorry, you don't have access." when accessing a new page?

Although all users have visitor access, they cannot see "unpublished", or Draft, content. When creating a new page, the final step is to "Publish" the page. Once the page is published it will be visible to visitors. If a page is already published, it will have a "Republish" button.

Site themes are applied from the centrally managed InsideUI hub site. A single theme is applied across all sites and cannot be changed per site. For assistance regarding site themes, please contact UCM.

The "Embed" web part allows embedding iframe content from other web services. A common example is embedding a web form from Qualtrics.
The Embed web part

When adding content using Embed you may encounter this error message:
Embedding content from this website isn't allowed, but your admin can change this setting. They will need to add 'uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com' to the list of sites that are allowed.

As a security precaution, the domains allowed are restricted per site. If you are embedding content from a specific domain, please contact UCM for assistance reviewing and approving the domain. The domains are managed by an InsideUI infrastructure manager by adding the domain to the "HTML Field Security" setting. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837500