Service Catalog

Categories (20)

Information Technology

Click on the catalog listings below that meet your needs. Using the subcategories, you'll be able to submit a request for service, or report items that are broken.

Research and Faculty Development

The UI Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) partners with faculty, students and staff to support their creation of new knowledge, to promote the use of this knowledge and to ensure its integrity.

Student Affairs

Services relating to the Division of Student Affairs.

Administrative Operations

Administrative Operations over-sees various functions including Multi-use facilities operations and Events and Conference services. For additional information please visit our website at

International Programs Office

The IPO transforms lives and supports a globally engaged university community.

Business Systems

The Business Systems Team provide support for and grant access to the Accounts Receivable, Finance and Human Resources modules within Banner (forms that begin with F, N, P or T), MyUI and Argos. We also provide support for Chrome River and Jaggaer.

For access or support within the Student module (“S” forms) you will need to reach out to the Registrar's Office at

For access or support within the Financial Aid module (“R” forms) you will need to reach out to the Financial Aid Office at

Public Safety and Security

Public Safety and Security consists of Emergency Management and Security Services. U of I public safety is focused on creating and maintaining a safe environment for the U of I community and those who visit. Additional information can be found here:

Foundation Services

Formerly Advancement Services

Strategic Enrollment Management

Strategic Enrollment Management Division assists students academically and financially to pursue their educational goals.


University of Idaho Colleges/Department Surplus, Student lost and found, and event support for solid waste.

Office of Sponsored Programs

The UI Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is a unit under the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) and our mission is to support faculty and staff in the stewardship of external sponsored funding to complete research, public service, outreach, and instruction projects.