My Recently Visited Services
If you received an award or amendment directly from the sponsor and are unsure whether they copied the notice to either or please complete this form and attach the agreement, amendment, or addendum to initiate Post Award team’s receipt and processing.
This ticket type is NOT for out-going subawards - use the 'subaward or subaward amendment' ticket type under the Contract Review Unit sub-header for out-going subaward requests.
Note that to request an early setup or prior approval (no cost extensions, rebudgeting, change of PI, etc. from the sponsor) the process must be initiated in VERAS ( using an "Early Setup" or “Sponsor Prior Approval Request” submission form.
Utilize this service request to initiate pre-award sponsored programs administrator (SPA) review of a revised budget for an existing (and approved) VERAS proposal.
This service should not be used to submit a revised budget for an awarded project - that should be done via a prior approval or budget transfer. Sponsor prior approvals are initiated in VERAS (
This service request is to be used to request that OSP-Financial unit work with the Department and Principal Investigator (PI) to process a project closeout in advance of the project termination date and scheduled closeout period.
Work and deliverables should be completed at the time this request is initiated, and all final deliverables should have been made or scheduled to made shortly.
Use the description field to enter any questions or concerns to help us respond quickly to your needs in closing out the project.
Note that to request an early setup or prior approval (no cost extensions, rebudgeting, change of PI, etc. from the sponsor) the process must be initiated in VERAS ( using an "Early Setup" or “Sponsor Prior Approval Request” submission form.
You should select this service ONLY if your service request does not fit any other category of service. Complete all required fields so that we can assist appropriately.
This service allows you to submit a generic ticket to OSP for assistance. Please select the OSP unit that you are requesting assistance from.
See if you need information on the responsibilities of each OSP unit.
Use this to get help with using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and other collaboration software.
Request VandalCard electronic access and physical keys for the Multi-use facilities.
Faculty and Staff use this service to purchase software or renew licensed software for their use on U of I owned computers.
Individuals can request an All Access Pass for campus events.
Advancement Data Services is the Advancement department that's responsible for entering, storing, securing, maintaining and retrieving most of the data related to the University of Idaho’s Alumni, supporters, donors and internal operations.
General support for installing mobile apps commonly used at the University of Idaho including Outlook and DUO.
This service allows you to request a status update on an in-process item that is assigned to an OSP team member. If you need a status on an existing and open ticket, please do not create a new ticket here; respond to the original ticket asking for an update.
You can check the status of any item that OSP Post Award has received directly in VERAS at - a list of the statuses and their definitions is contained in the Help menu of VERAS.
If you want to proceed with submitting a ticket here to inquire, please 'request service' and complete all required fields and an OSP member will be assigned to the ticket to provide a status update.
Note that we process items in date-received priority order, and it can take several weeks for us to start processing an item depending on staffing levels and volume.
Requests for training on admission applications in Slate including Slate Reader, assistance with existing admission application reports, and requests for new reports on those in the application stage.
Request employee learning records, employee training technical support, alternate employee training formats, and required employee training exemptions.
The Business Systems Team provide support for and grant access to the Accounts Receivable, Finance and Human Resources directories within Argos.
For access or support within the Student directory you will need to reach out to
For access or support within the Financial Aid directory you will need to contact
Use this service to submit a technology idea or need to the Office of Information Technology. An IDEA is a technical Innovation, project Discovery, or product Enhancement that is Actionable. This could include a new project, request for application development, an enhancement to a current application or service.
This service replaces and expands on the current Project Request and IT Governance process. Requests will be routed to the Technical Product Management Team for initial technical review and will be routed and managed through the formal IT governance process if necessary. This will provide a more streamlined and personalized experience and a timelier response to your needs.
I want information related to getting or using a Campus ID card (Vandal Card).