Information Technology

Click on the catalog listings below that meet your needs. Using the subcategories, you'll be able to submit a request for service, or report items that are broken.

Categories (14)

New Employee Services

Your one-stop-shop for requesting all OIT Services for new employees.

The New Employee Guide can be found at

Report a Problem

Go here to report something broken, down, or inaccessible.

Accounts, Passwords, & Vandal Cards

Have login problems, request new account, and request Vandal card.

Purchase Hardware and Software Licensing

Purchase or renew U of I approved standard hardware and software products.

Hardware Support

Hardware repair, issues, printing, and technology equipment lending and surplus.

Software Support

Software Support, How to's, and mobile apps.

Communication & Collaboration

Help with Outlook, Teams, Zoom, and, Phones

WiFi & Connectivity

Connecting to the UI network, requesting network support for events, or firewall requests.

Classroom Technology

Services relating to all aspects of university classrooms. For a complete list of self help topics, please visit our Knowledge Base Library at

File Storage

New storage location requests, increases for storage space, recovering files, large storage requests, webspace requests, and storage issues.

Enterprise Applications

Banner, MyUI, Marketplace, FAMIS, Evisions/Argos, Softdocs, and other U of I applications.

Data Security & Records

Anti-virus, multifactor authentication, whole disk encryption, firewall, SSL certificates, data security issues, and Records Center storage.

Project and IDEA Requests

Solution needs, training, ITS project requests, project consulting, and event support requests.

Student Computing Labs

Services relating to all aspects of university student computing labs. For a complete list of student computing labs please refer to our Knowledge Base article at

Services (2)

Records Center Storage

How do UI records get stored? How do I retrieve a stored record?

OIT Laptop Lending - Short Term

OIT owned equipment that can be requested to be borrowed for short periods of time.