Zoom is an online audio and web conferencing platform. People use it to make phone calls or to participate in video conference meetings. Zoom allows our room-based (codec) video equipment to connect with other video systems both internal and external to UI. We interact with Zoom through a browser webpage (zoom.uidaho.edu) or an application (available for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android) to schedule, start, and control meetings and classes. All faculty, staff and students have a Zoom account.
Note: If you record a meeting, your video will be automatically transferred to your OneDrive "ZoomRecordings" folder available at https://onedrive.uidaho.edu/. For information on how to access and share those recordings, see Article - How to share Zoom recording... (uidaho.edu).
Sign up for a Zoom account at https://zoom.uidaho.edu, click SIGN IN and enter your UI email address and password. See our article What will Cloud Authentication Look Like? for instructions logging into Zoom.
- Zoom offers a “Pro” license which allows unlimited one-on-one video conferencing and meetings and classes with larger groups. This licensing is automatically applied to your account.
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Using Zoom:
Editing Your Profile
Step 1:
Sign in to the Zoom web portal zoom.uidaho.edu
Step 2:
Click on Profile in left column.
Step 3:
Edit Profile

- Pronouns: If you would like your chosen pronouns to show up in your Zoom meetings, you can add them to your profile. See Pronouns in Zoom for more information.
- Personal Meeting ID: You can edit this to a number you will remember like your office phone number.
- Personal Link: You can edit the end of your personal link so that people will recognize it as yours. For instance, you could use your name. This only impacts your personal meeting room.
- Date and Time: Make sure this is the date and time for your time zone.
- For all other options, it is recommended to use the defaults.
Schedule a New Meeting
Step 1:
Sign in to the Zoom web portal zoom.uidaho.edu
Step 2:
Click on Meetings in left column then click Schedule a Meeting to the right or from the upper menu.

Step 3:
Enter meeting settings. For more information on how to make your meeting secure, you can read our article Zoom Privacy and Protection.

- Topic, Add Description: Include a topic, adding a description is optional
- When, Duration, Time Zone: Setting date, time, duration, time zone
- Recurring meeting: This is highly recommended for class meetings and regularly scheduled meetings so that participants can always use the same access link.
- Registration: Not used often but if needed.
- Meeting ID: Recommend for classes use Generate Automatically for each class. For staff, quick meetings, or office hours can use Personal Meeting ID
- Security: You must select at least one security option. It will default to Require authentication to join if you do not change it. See Zoom Security Options for details on the three options.
- Video:
- Host and Participant: Recommend keeping to off and then turning on video as needed within the meeting.
- Audio: Both is the best option to select as it allows guests to connect through multiple means.

- Options: click Show to access options
- Allow participants to join x minutes before start time: This defaults to 15 minutes, but you can change it to meet your needs.
- Mute participants up entry: For extra protection and privacy, check.
- Breakout Room pre-assign: See Pre-assigning participants to breakout rooms for details.
- Automatically record meeting: Recommend for classes and other meetings you want available for others to watch at a later time. Recommend selecting In the cloud option. See our article Zoom to Microsoft Stream Video Migration Guide for instructions.
- Alternative Hosts: Recommend having alternative hosts for classes and large meetings. Enter alternative host's full email addresses, comma between each email address
- Be sure to check Allow alternative hosts to add or edit polls if they will need this control
Step 4:
Click Save
Step 5:
You will be greeted by a screen allowing you manage your meeting, Here you can add it to your Outlook calendar, enable registration, and copy of the invitation notes. You can create a poll for the meeting here as well. If you need to change a setting click on Edit the Meeting in the lower portion of the window. Go back to Step 3 to edit meeting settings

Editing Existing Meeting
Editing Existing Meeting Restricting Attendance to UI Employees and Students
Step 1:
Sign in to the Zoom web portal zoom.uidaho.edu
Step 2:
In the navigation panel to the left, click Meetings
Step 3:
Click on the meeting to open it

Step 4:
Click on Edit this Meeting

Step 5:
Edit as needed

- Topic, Description: Topic and description of meeting
- When, Duration, Time Zone: Setting date, time, duration, time zone and recurring meeting
- Registration: Not used often but if needed.
- Meeting ID: Recommend for classes use Generate Automatically for each class. For staff or quick meetings use Personal Meeting ID
- Meeting Passcode: Requiring meeting password add extra security. You will need to send the password to participants and they have to enter it so can add complexity when starting a meeting.
- Video:
- Host: If you are scheduling the meeting but not actually participating, you may wish to select this option but it is not necessary. Note, If the host video is off and an alternative host is set (covered later), they may not display video either once connected.
- Participant: If you are hosting a meeting that does not require other video sources or interaction from other users, you may wish to select this option.
- Audio: Both is the best option to select as it allows guests to connect through multiple means.
- Enable waiting room: For extra protection and privacy, check.
- Require Authentication to join: Highly recommend to check this option. Select University of Idaho credentials required. If you have participants from other organizations, click on Edit to enter their domain (the text after the @ sign in their email address) with a comma between each domain.
- Meeting Options:
- Allow Participants to Join [Early]: For extra protection and privacy, do not check.
- Mute participants upon entry: For extra protection and privacy, check.
- Automatically Record Meeting: Recommend for classes and other meetings you want available for others to watch at a later time. Recommend selecting In the cloud option. See our article Zoom to Microsoft Stream Video Migration Guide for instructions.
- Q&A: A helpfull feature for group polls.
- Approve or Block Entry to Users from Specific Regions/Countries: Increased security for local meetings.
- Alternative Hosts: Recommend having alternative hosts for classes and large meetings. Enter alternative host's full email addresses, comma between each email address
Step 6:
Click on Save
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Room-Based Video Conferencing Systems:
Room-based systems are most easily added to video conferences via the desktop Zoom application. There are multiple ways to add a room-based system into the meeting you have scheduled. I will cover both, but the first should suffice in most cases.
“Calling Out” to the Room-based System
The easiest mode on bring a room-based system into a meeting is called “Calling Out” to it. Think of this method as calling the room-based system and having it auto-answer your call. You should not have to do anything on the room side of things by this method, aside from making sure that the equipment is powered on.
Step 1:
From your computer, join the meeting from either the web interface or desktop app. Both will result in the desired outcome.
Step 2:
A dark window should appear, possibly with a pop-up asking you to confirm your audio settings. You can ignore this, if you will not be joining the meeting from your computer also. Below is a screenshot of the window:

Step 3:
Mouse over to the lower portion of this window and a tray should appear with several options. Select Participants and then Invite.
Step 4:
A pop-up with appear asking you how you want to invite others. Select Invite a Room System
Step 5:
Dial in is the default tab selected under this section. Select instead Call Out

Step 6:
Call Out allows you to connect to room-based systems. You can use the device IP address, E.164 number, select your device from a list of known devices on campus. They are labeled by building/department.
Step 7:
Once your room system has been selected, click Call and it will connect you to your room system.

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