Software Issue

Need assistance dealing with software problems? Submit a service request with type of hardware, the name of the software, a description of how it is failing. If possible, screen shots of errors provide additional information for us to assist you. Even if we do not normally support the software in question, we strive to provide best effort assistance. Faculty and staff will be supported by their TSPs, students will be directed to the Student Technology Center.

List of commonly supported software:

  • Windows 10 Operating System
  • Mac OSX
  • Android OS
  • Apple iOS 
  • Microsoft Office
  • All modern web browsers
  • ITS  VLab applications 
  • Lab Software

A more complete list can be found in the Supported Software List.

Please see Administrative Applications for support for Banner, Marketplace, FAMIS, Evisions/Argos, etc.

Request Service

Related Articles (9)

A list of ESRI software available through the University of Idaho.
A guide for a new UI employee covering basic OIT services and general orientation.
A list of the software provided through ITS Security, with links for downloads.
This article provides answers to common questions UI affiliates may have about Office 365 ProPlus and its use. It also has links to Microsoft training resources.
List of supported software.
List of student software.
Information about what software is available on Windows and OS X machines in the student computing labs across campus.
A list of the software available on the Remote access lab.


Service ID: 643
Mon 12/11/17 2:56 PM
Tue 11/14/23 9:35 AM