For graduates, UofI accounts expires one year after you leave the university. Other accounts expire after you are no longer eligible to enroll in courses. OIT provides a convenient way for you to save your emails, contacts and continue using VandalMail by migrating to an Alumni account.
Warning: You will no longer be able to access these services after your account is migrated to @alumni.uidaho.edu. Be sure to retrieve any information needed prior to migrating your account.
- MyUI
- VandalWeb
- Canvas
- AirVandalGold
- Student Computer Labs
- UI Software Licenses
- Your @vandals OneDrive Account
Before starting the Alumni Migration process, you must have a Security Profile enabled for your account. A "Security Profile" consists of a combination of questions and contacts and can be set by going to the https://help.uidaho.edu/ web page, and once signed in, selecting the "Security Questions" menu item to get started.

On the https://help.uidaho.edu/ web site, select "Migrate to Alumni/Gold" from the left side menu. Review your eligible account list and select the account to migrate. Typically this will only be a single account.
Note: If your account is eligible for migration, it will be listed on this page. If your account is not listed, please contact the Student Technology Center and they can start the migration process for you.

After selecting the "Migrate Account" button, you will see a confirmation dialog. Please review the warnings carefully and select "Migrate Account" to start the migration. This process cannot be undone. Do not migrate your account if you are an incoming student.

The migration process will take 15-60 minutes to complete and will create a new @alumni.uidaho.edu account. To set a password on the new account go to https://help.uidaho.edu/ and select the "click here to reset your password" link. Use your Security Profile questions and contacts to sign-in.
Once signed in click on the "Change Alumni Password" menu item and select your newly created @alumni.uidaho.edu account and set a new password.
Your old @vandals.uidaho.edu email address is automatically added as an alias to your new @alumni.uidaho.edu account. Any email sent to the old address will be automatically delivered to the new Alumni mailbox.
The old mailbox content is also automatically copied over to your new account. When you first sign-in the Alumni mailbox may be empty. It will take a few minutes for the content to start being copied from the old mailbox. In some cases it may even take 24 hours for the mailbox content migration to complete.