What is affiliation and when do accounts expire?


You are "affiliated" with the University of Idaho when you are an active student or employee and meet the criteria below.


 Affiliation Criteria - Students

Affiliation criteria for students includes:

  • Admitted in the current or future term
  • Registered in the current or future term
  • Eligible to register in a future term (up to 2 years)
  • Active Engineering Outreach or Independent Study
  • Graduated within the past 2 years:
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Fall
  • Late registration grace period = 2 weeks into the term.


 Affiliation Criteria - Employees

Affiliation criteria for employees includes:

  • Pending Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) to create an active employee position
  • Active employment record with Human Resources
  • Temporary Help Employee
  • Retiree - Honored Staff or Emeritus Faculty
  • 9-month faculty appointment recorded with Human Resources
  • Affiliate record in Employee Base Table (PEBEMPL) or Jobs Table (NBRJOBS) for non-paid or non-HR managed positions

Special Notes:

  • If an account is sponsored, the sponsorship will be automatically removed when the employee position is marked as active.
  • A functional / shared account owner must match employee affiliation criteria.


 Account Expiration - Students

Account expiration begins when the account no longer matches student affiliation criteria.

  1. Immediate account deletion if no password has been set
  2. Email notices are sent 14 days and 7 days before the account is disabled.
  3. The account is disabled after 14 days and cannot be accessed using credentials.
  4. The account is deleted 4 weeks after it has been disabled.
  5. Notices of deletion are sent to uidaho and security profile emails.


 Account Expiration - Employees + Functional Accounts

Account expiration begins when the account no longer matches employee affiliation criteria.

  1. Account is immediately disabled on position end date.
    • A grace period of 120 days is allowed for positions with job classifications GA, RA, TA, F9, F5 and SS. This allows grade submission, access during the summer and to cover other special leave situations.
  2. An email notice is sent to the account's supervisor including:
    • functional account ownership
    • sponsored account list
    • group ownership
  3. The account is deleted 4 weeks after being disabled.



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