- Password changes take approximately 5 minutes to sync with University of Idaho cloud services. Please wait at least 5 minutes before attempting to sign-in with the new password to Canvas, email or other Single Sign-On (SSO) services.
- After you change your password, you will need to remove and re-add the AirVandalGold wireless network on any devices that you connect wirelessly to the University network, including phones, tablets, and laptops. You will need to go to the wireless settings page to have your device "forget" or "remove saved network" for AirVandalGold. If you need assistance, students can go to the STC, and staff/faculty can contact their TSP or local support for assistance.
Strong passwords have two major components:
- Complexity
- Passwords must be at least 12 characters long and contain at least three of the following:
- an upper case letter
- a lower case letter
- a non-letter character (a 'special' character)
- a number
- Passwords never expire for most student and faculty account accounts that have only a Duo Mobile or a hardware factor (often called a hardware token) attached to their account. Otherwise, passwords will expire after 400 days. For more information on password policy, please visit the UI Password Standards page.
- Passwords used within the last 24 password changes cannot be used again.
- Banner passwords can be no longer than 30 characters, may not contain spaces, may not contain these special characters: { } \ : = @ $ & ( ) , < > ` ; = # " ' ? ! [ ] * % | / and cannot begin with a number.
- Privacy
- Keep your password somewhere safe where it cannot be accessed by others.
- Never share your password with anyone, for any reason, including with OIT. We do not need to know anyone's password to assist them.
A passphrase is multiple words strung together in a memorable fashion (e.g. dollar movie Friday). Consider using a passphrase for even stronger security. Compared to traditional passwords, passphrases are harder for an attacker to break because of their length.
You can use any dictionary word, as well as numbers and special characters (e.g. Gue$$ m1 passw0rd). Do not use easily-guessable phrases or information, such as your children's name or birth date, or any information that could be found easily by searching Facebook or Google.
Passphrases must be over 12 characters long.
For this procedure to work, at least one of the following must apply:
- Not have an account set up yet;
- Know your credentials (Username and Password);
- Have set up a Security Profile.
These instructions will work on Windows, macOS, Linux, and most mobile devices.
Learn how to reset your password remotely.
This video was made using an older version of the account management page. However, the principles remain the same.
Request password assistance
Step 1
Sign-in to the account management page at https://help.uidaho.edu using your username and password. The first screen you will see is the welcome screen.
If your password is expired, you will still be able to use the account management site, but no other services like Vandal Mail. If you have not set up your security profile, you will be greeted with a pop-up asking you to set up your security profile.
You can also opt out of the security profile, but this will mean that anytime you forget your password you will need have external help to reset it. For students, you will need to visit the Student Technology Center in person. Faculty and staff may submit a service request to have it reset.
to account management.

Step 2
Once you are signed in, click on ‘Change Password’ on the left-hand menu under ‘Passwords.’
Make sure the account whose password you want to set is selected.
Click on Change Password under Account Utilities, and check the account for which you'd like to change your password.

Step 3
Choose "Enable Secure MFA and have a longer password expiration" if you will only use a DUO Hardware Token or the DUO Mobile application on your phone for verification. Your password will never need to be changed again with this option. Otherwise, choose "Disable Secure MFA and have a shorter password expiration" if you must use voice calls or SMS text messages to verify. Your password will expire in 400 days if you choose this option.
Enter a new password for your account that is at least one character different from any previous passwords. As you type your password, the system will inform you of what requirements you are or are not meeting. Make sure to fully type your password before determining if meets the requirements. The password must be 12 characters or more and may not include any three consecutive letters of your name, username, or email address.
Once all the password requirements have been met, you can click on ‘Set New Password’ and the system will set the password.
Enter a valid password twice, then click "set new password."

Step 4
Finally make sure you are greeted with a ‘Success’ message so you know the change was successful. If you have any issues please contact your Technology Solutions Partner or the Student Technology Center.
Note: After you change your password, you will need to remove and re-add the AirVandalGold network on any devices that you connect wirelessly to the University network, including phones, tablets, and laptops. You will need to go to the wireless settings page to have your device "forget" or "remove saved network" for AirVandalGold. Any app on your smart phone that stores your password will need to be updated as well (Outlook or email client, for example). If you need assistance, students can go to the STC, and staff/faculty can contact their TSP or local support for assistance.
A window will pop up, indicating your password was successfully changed.