The University of Idaho runs on the Office 365 Exchange platform and as such, OIT recommends using Microsoft Outlook for your desktop email client. This tutorial will assist you in setting up your account in Office for Mac for Office 365.
Set Up Outlook Email in MacOS
Step 1: Open Outlook for the first time
When you first open Outlook, a screen appears welcoming you to Outlook.
This screen appears upon opening.

Step 2: Follow starting prompts
Follow the prompts and click on Start Using Outlook
Click "Get Started."

Step 3: Enter full email address
It will then prompt you to enter your email. Enter your full email, e.g. vand1234@vandals.uidaho.edu
Click Continue once you have entered your email address.

Step 4: Sign in and authenticate with DUO
Sign into your account and authenticate with DUO. After this everything should be set up!