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Services or Offerings?
Complete this service request form and attach the technical report and any supporting/required documents to initiate Post Award team review, approval by the AOR, and submission as applicable.  Note that DHHS/NIH RPPR review and approval requests should be included in this ticket/service type, but you do not need to upload the materials (just the routing notice) - we can access the materials in eRACommons as long as they were routed to an OSP approver/SRO. 

You should allow at least five full business days for OSP review, response, and approvals.

Select the due date and priority based on the agency deadline for submission.

This process initiates the review of a funding opportunity to allow OSP and the Foundation to determine whether the opportunity is more appropriately processed as a gift or a sponsored project (grant). Please attach the request for proposal, proposal submission guidelines, tentative budget, and a sample award document (from the sponsor) if you have them.

This request should be submitted far enough in advance to allow for appropriate review and response, so that if the opportunity is determined to be a sponsored project you can meet the requirement for timely submission of materials in VERAS (

By submitting this service request the submitter certifies that the information provided herein is accurate and complete to the best of their knowledge.

Use this service to submit a technology idea or need to the Office of Information Technology. An IDEA is a technical Innovation, project Discovery, or product Enhancement that is Actionable. This could include a new project, request for application development, an enhancement to a current application or service.

This service replaces and expands on the current Project Request and IT Governance process. Requests will be routed to the Technical Product Management Team for initial technical review and will be routed and managed through the formal IT governance process if necessary. This will provide a more streamlined and personalized experience and a timelier response to your needs.

Just-in-time is a term used by sponsoring agencies to indicate that they need more information on a submitted proposal. This is usually at the intent to award stage, but could be a request for clarification, supplementary information to help the sponsor evaluate the proposal further, or a request for a second (or subsequent) submission of materials that were previously approved via VERAS through an agency portal. The request often includes updated current and pending (other support), biosketches, and protocol information when applicable.

If you received a request from a sponsoring agency to provide clarification on a submitted proposal and to submit documents in response to that request, this ticket is the proper way to communicate and coordinate with OSP.

Note: Some proposal revisions or proposal section revisions (such as a revised budget, revised scope of work, etc.) might require a VERAS proposal revision. Reach out to Pre-award team with questions ple

What software can be loaded to protect the data on my desktop and laptop computers?

Report an information security incident.