Just-in-time is a term used by sponsoring agencies to indicate that they need more information on a submitted proposal. This is usually at the intent to award stage, but could be a request for clarification, supplementary information to help the sponsor evaluate the proposal further, or a request for a second (or subsequent) submission of materials that were previously approved via VERAS through an agency portal (such as JustGrants, GrantSolutions, ezFedGrants, etc.). The request often includes updated current and pending (other support), biosketches, and protocol information when applicable. If you received a request from a sponsoring agency to provide clarification on a submitted proposal and to submit documents in response to that request, or to submit an already submitted proposal through a different mechanism (agency portal) where materials were already approved in VERAS - this ticket is the proper way to communicate and coordinate with OSP for this action. Note: This ticket is not for revising already approved and submitted materials - this ticket is used for NEW (clarifying) materials or agency portal submission of existing (unchanged) materials. If you need to make revisions, please see the 'Submit Revised Budget -Pre-award ONLY' ticket OR enter a revised proposal to VERAS. Reach out to preaward@uidaho.edu with questions please.