Student ID Retirement - Frequenty Asked Questions

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The University of Idaho has been phasing out the use of Student ID numbers in favor of VandalNumbers, also known as "V-numbers." After July 11, 2018, all students have been identified primarily via their V-number, where it is used for records keeping and requested on forms. Systems that rely on Student ID numbers, including all card readers, were updated in preparation for this change to accommodate both Student ID numbers and V-number.

As of July 11, 2018 the University of Idaho has no longer generated Student ID numbers for students. All students enrolled before this date have a Student ID number associated with their record, which will be tied to their record indefinitely.

For a more detailed FAQ regarding VandalCards in particular, see our article titled: VandalCard - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I look up my VandalNumber?

You can look up your VandalNumber by following these steps:

  • Sign in to VandalWeb
  • Click on the Students tab
  • Click on Student Profile
  • Your V-number is the 9-digit number next to your name

What is my VandalNumber used for?

Record keeping and coursework throughout the university

Will my VandalCard still work?

Yes – regardless of when your VandalCard was printed, it will continue to function as intended.

What are VandalCards used for?

Accessing residence halls on campus, using your meal plan at dining facilities, checking in and out of study labs, and identity verification

How much does it cost to replace my VandalCard?

If your current VandalCard is damaged, you can take it to the VandalCard Office and get it replaced for free.

If your current VandalCard has been lost or stolen, you can have it replaced at the VandalCard Office for $25.

What ID is printed on my VandalCard?

Depending on when your VandalCard was issued, your card may have the Student ID number, V-number, or both printed on the front. Student ID numbers have a dash "-" following the first three numbers, while V-numbers have no dash in them. Please see the image below for reference.

Examples of old VandalCard format (left), transition VandalCard format (center), and new VandalCard format (right):

VandalCard Examples












Please contact Vandal Card Services, open 8-5, Monday-Friday. Summer hours are 7:30-4:30.

Phone: 208-885-7522

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This article serves as a self help page that answers frequently asked questions about vandal cards, and other forms of University of Idaho identification.