How to use the VPN with Linux?


Access to many UI resources, such as shared drives, Banner, etc., is limited to machines with UI IP addresses. If you are traveling or working from home, you will need to connect to the VPN in order to access these resources. This tutorial will guide you through installing the Cisco VPN client and accessing UI resources when not on the UI campus.

 Note: These instructions were made using Ubuntu 12.10. Depending on which distribution of Linux that you use, steps may vary slightly. If you have any questions, please contact OIT.


Installing the VPN Client

Step 1

Download the file (or as appropriate). It can be found under the VPN download section of the ITS software page.

Open a terminal and navigate to where the file is located. In this example the file is located in the Downloads folder.

Change Directory Downloads


Step 2

Run the file by using the following command: sudo sh ./ or for x64 bit systems use sudo sh ./

Run Script


Step 3

The client will be unpackaged and installed. You can easily find the client by selecting the Ubuntu button and typing "cisco" into the search bar.

Ubuntu Open Cisco AnyConnect


Step 4

After double-clicking the icon, a new window should appear. Click Connect. You will be prompted to enter your credentials. If you use Duo push, you should be prompted to approve. Otherwise, for more information on accessing the VPN with Duo, please see How do I use the VPN with Duo?

You will be prompted to enter your credentials.
Cisco Begin VPN Connection




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Wed 12/6/17 10:32 AM
Thu 9/12/24 1:46 PM

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