Qualtrics - Email Reports for Surveys

This article covers the requirement for using the Qualtrics system to send out reports with the appropriate domain to make sure survey email reports are received to @uidaho.edu or @vandals.uidaho.edu email accounts and are not quarantined or blocked by our email systems.  If you are looking for assistance setting up survey reports please see the related article Qualtrics - Sending Email Survey Invitations.

Getting Started: If you are not sure how to schedule an email report for a survey via the Qualtrics system you can review the process at the following Qulatrics Support Page:
Scheduling Report Emails

When setting up your email reports the University of Idaho requires email messages sent through Qualtrics surveys to use an @uidaho.edu from address and the noreply-qualtrics@uidaho.edu address is recommended. 

If you have experienced your survey reports not arriving at the desired @uidaho.edu or @vandals.uidaho.edu email addresses you may not have set the correct sending address as described above. Below is a screenshot example of using the noreply-qualtrics@uidaho.edu email address when setting up your survey reports.
This image is highlighting the from email drop down.

Technical Info: Qualtrics has default domains available for general use in the system for sending out email invitations to surveys. These domains are not safe-listed by the University of Idaho and will be quarantined by our email system and the email invitations will not be sent to @uidaho.edu or @vandals.uidaho.edu accounts. 

Qualtrics Domains that will not be allowed to send to @uidaho.edu and @vandals.uidaho.edu accounts

Please use an @uidaho.edu domain and in most cases the noreply-qualtrics@uidaho.edu as the from address in Qualtrics. 

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Article ID: 1850
Fri 3/19/21 10:03 AM
Tue 5/14/24 1:30 PM

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Setting the correct domain when sending out surveys using the Qualtrics system.
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