How to activate a Microsoft 365 Class Team?


Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, meetings, files, and apps together in one place. "Class Teams" are automatically created every semester from Canvas class rosters. Instructors are automatically added with the Owner/Teacher role for their courses. A Class Team is not automatically visible to the students enrolled. The instructor must "Activate" the Class Team in order for students to start using the service.

Note: a unique Class Team is created for every course section. Each section will need to be activated individually.


Is Activation Required?

No, activating a Microsoft Class Team is *not* required. Most class collaboration should be done in Canvas and activating a Class Team will not affect a Canvas class. Historically, a Class Team was created for Microsoft Stream video sharing which can now be done directly within Canvas.


Activation Instructions

Additional information on the activation process is available from Microsoft here.

to Microsoft Teams at or using a desktop client.

There will be Class Teams available which match Canvas courses. Example: SP23 - ENGR101-01: Introduction to Engineering (Tesla)

Selecting the Class Team may display an introduction dialog "Your class awaits" and will then display the empty team with a button to "Activate" the Team at the top.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Selecting the Activate button will display an additional warning that this step cannot be undone.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Once the Team is activated you will be able to start communicating with students in Microsoft Teams.


Microsoft Teams Resources for Instructors and Students

Microsoft has many resources for both instructors and students. Below are links to common tasks and best practices to use MS Team Classroom for instruction.




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This article contains instructions on or links to MS Teams features and functionality. Microsoft Teams learn & help site has quick step by step instructions and videos so you can find the feature you need help with and use immediately. Microsoft is constantly adding and updating features and functionality. If you do not find instructions or a link here try going to Microsoft Teams learn & help site to get the latest information.