Create project templates in TeamDynamix

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Create a new Project Template

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Sign In in the top right corner next to the search window. Log in to the system.
  3. In top right of the screen click on your name and select TDNext
  4. If you do not have a tab selection in the top navigation that says Project/Workspaces proceed to step 5.
    If you do, skip to step 7.
  5. Click on the icon in the top left of the page that looks like a grid. This is an image of the grid button.
  6. Click on the button that says Project Templates.This should place that option as a tab in the top navigation. This is an image of the project templates button.
         Note: This is a one-time step.The next time you log in, that tab will remain there.
  7. Click on the Project Templates tab.
  8. Click on +New Project Template in the top ribbon. Give the template a name and description, then click Save.?
    • Templates can be used to create multiple new projects that have similar Issues, Risks, Contacts, and/or files (via the Briefcase). Plans within a Project Template can be used to create a new project plan 
  9. After the template has been created, you can add files, contacts, issues, links, risks, and plans. These items will be available when creating a new project. Plans within a template will be available when creating a new plan in any project (new or existing).

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Create a new Plan within a Project Template

  1. Navigate to the Project Templates module within TDNext (see navigation instructions above).
  2. Click on the Project Template you want to contain a project plan.
  3. From the left sidebar menu, select Plans under the Project Template.
  4. Click on +New to create a new plan within the selected Project Template. Give the template Plan a name, description, and select the Type (Card Wall or Waterfall), then click Save.
  5. Build out the template Plan with tasks that will be repeated each time the Plan and/or template is used.
  6. Click Check In on the top right of the screen to save the Plan to the Project Template.
    • The newly-created Plan will be available to anyone creating a Plan within their project, regardless of when the project was created.

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Create a Project Plan Using a Template

  1. Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces tab within TDNext.
  2. Select the Project you want to add a plan to from the left sidebar menu.
  3. Click on Plans in the left sidebar menu.
  4. Click +New, give the Plan a name and description, then select "Use a plan from an existing Project Template". Click Save
    • Note: a Project XML file or .TDPlan file can also be used to create a new Project Plan. Simply select the relevant option, upload the file when prompted, and skip to Step 7.
  5. If a Project Template is available, a drop-down menu will list the templates to choose from. Select the Project Template that contains the Plan you want to use.
  6. All Plans available from that template should be listed - select the one you want to use by clicking Create.
  7. A new Plan has now been added to the Project, and it will be identical to the Plan saved under the Project Template.
    • Within the Plan, task dates will likely need updated and Resources will have to be associated with tasks.

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Export a Project Plan as XML, Excel, or TDPlan File

  1. Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces tab within TDNext.
  2. Select the Project that has a plan you want to export.
  3. Click on Plans in the left sidebar menu.
  4. Click on the Plan that you want to export. It should open in a new tab.
  5. Verify the Plan is up to date and in the state desired for export.
  6. Click the Export button at the top of the screen, then select the desired file format from the drop-down menu. This is a picture of the export drop down menu.
  7. The file should be automatically downloaded to your default save location (typically the Downloads folder).

Note: both Project XML files and .TDPlan files can be used to create a new Project Plan. See the above section "Create a Project Plan Using a Template".

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