Create a project in TeamDynamix

Create a New Project

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Sign In in the top right corner next to the search window. Log in to the system.
  3. In top right of the screen click on your name and select TDNext
  4. If you do not have a tab selection in the top navigation that says Projects proceed to step 5.
    If you do, skip to step 7.
  5. Click on the icon in the top left of the page that looks like a grid. This is an image of the grid button.
  6. Click on the button that says Projects. This will retain the Project module as a tab in the top navigation. This image demonstrates that the projects button is in the bottom right corner of the grid menu.
    Note:This is a one-time step.The next time you log in that tab will remain there.
  7. Click on the Projects tab.
  8. Click on +New in the top ribbon and select Project, this will launch the “New Project” page.
  9. Fill in the appropriate information relative to your project.
    • A project can be in multiple portfolios. For example, a project may be owned and worked on by a particular team, but is also a part of the OIT Portfolio, so both the team and OIT Portfolio would be selected.
    • Description should be limited to 1-2 short sentences.This is what will show up on reports and the PMO Project page.
  10. Click the Save button at the top of the page.



  1. Goals* – Select associated goals the project supports.
  2. Organizational Risks* – This is part of the scoring process.
  3. Benefits* – briefly describe the reasons that justify doing this project.
  4. Expenses* – add all anticipated hard costs
  5. Resources* – add all resources on the team.  Important because if not done, a person cannot be added to a task or be on the automated notifications list, etc.
  6. Score Card* – This is part of the scoring process.
  7. Stakeholders* – List the main stakeholders affected by this project.
  8. Plans* – Add detailed tasks in either a Card Wall or Waterfall format to track the project progress.
  9. Risk Register* – identify major risks to the project

*Required for all OIT Portfolio projects

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Project management is a set of principles, methods, tools, and techniques for the effective management of objective-oriented work (projects). The methodology provides repeatable processes and is used in the context of a specific and unique organizational environment. Project management is the method used to bring a project to a successful conclusion.