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Create a new Project Template
- Go to
- Click on Sign In in the top right corner next to the search window. Log in to the system.
- In top right of the screen click on your name and select TDNext
- If you do not have a tab selection in the top navigation that says Project/Workspaces proceed to step 5.
If you do, skip to step 7.
- Click on the icon in the top left of the page that looks like a grid.
- Click on the button that says Project Templates.This should place that option as a tab in the top navigation.
Note: This is a one-time step.The next time you log in, that tab will remain there.
- Click on the Project Templates tab.
- Click on +New Project Template in the top ribbon. Give the template a name and description, then click Save.?
- Templates can be used to create multiple new projects that have similar Issues, Risks, Contacts, and/or files (via the Briefcase). Plans within a Project Template can be used to create a new project plan
- After the template has been created, you can add files, contacts, issues, links, risks, and plans. These items will be available when creating a new project. Plans within a template will be available when creating a new plan in any project (new or existing).
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Create a new Plan within a Project Template
- Navigate to the Project Templates module within TDNext (see navigation instructions above).
- Click on the Project Template you want to contain a project plan.
- From the left sidebar menu, select Plans under the Project Template.
- Click on +New to create a new plan within the selected Project Template. Give the template Plan a name, description, and select the Type (Card Wall or Waterfall), then click Save.
- Build out the template Plan with tasks that will be repeated each time the Plan and/or template is used.
- Click Check In on the top right of the screen to save the Plan to the Project Template.
- The newly-created Plan will be available to anyone creating a Plan within their project, regardless of when the project was created.
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Create a Project Plan Using a Template
- Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces tab within TDNext.
- Select the Project you want to add a plan to from the left sidebar menu.
- Click on Plans in the left sidebar menu.
- Click +New, give the Plan a name and description, then select "Use a plan from an existing Project Template". Click Save.
- Note: a Project XML file or .TDPlan file can also be used to create a new Project Plan. Simply select the relevant option, upload the file when prompted, and skip to Step 7.
- If a Project Template is available, a drop-down menu will list the templates to choose from. Select the Project Template that contains the Plan you want to use.
- All Plans available from that template should be listed - select the one you want to use by clicking Create.
- A new Plan has now been added to the Project, and it will be identical to the Plan saved under the Project Template.
- Within the Plan, task dates will likely need updated and Resources will have to be associated with tasks.
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Export a Project Plan as XML, Excel, or TDPlan File
- Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces tab within TDNext.
- Select the Project that has a plan you want to export.
- Click on Plans in the left sidebar menu.
- Click on the Plan that you want to export. It should open in a new tab.
- Verify the Plan is up to date and in the state desired for export.
- Click the Export button at the top of the screen, then select the desired file format from the drop-down menu.
- The file should be automatically downloaded to your default save location (typically the Downloads folder).
Note: both Project XML files and .TDPlan files can be used to create a new Project Plan. See the above section "Create a Project Plan Using a Template".
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