Create a New Project
- Go to
- Click on Sign In in the top right corner next to the search window. Log in to the system.
- In top right of the screen click on your name and select TDNext
- If you do not have a tab selection in the top navigation that says Projects proceed to step 5.
If you do, skip to step 7.
- Click on the icon in the top left of the page that looks like a grid.
- Click on the button that says Projects. This will retain the Project module as a tab in the top navigation.
Note:This is a one-time step.The next time you log in that tab will remain there.
- Click on the Projects tab.
- Click on +New in the top ribbon and select Project, this will launch the “New Project” page.
- Fill in the appropriate information relative to your project.
- A project can be in multiple portfolios. For example, a project may be owned and worked on by a particular team, but is also a part of the OIT Portfolio, so both the team and OIT Portfolio would be selected.
- Description should be limited to 1-2 short sentences.This is what will show up on reports and the PMO Project page.
- Click the Save button at the top of the page.
- Goals* – Select associated goals the project supports.
- Organizational Risks* – This is part of the scoring process.
- Benefits* – briefly describe the reasons that justify doing this project.
- Expenses* – add all anticipated hard costs
- Resources* – add all resources on the team. Important because if not done, a person cannot be added to a task or be on the automated notifications list, etc.
- Score Card* – This is part of the scoring process.
- Stakeholders* – List the main stakeholders affected by this project.
- Plans* – Add detailed tasks in either a Card Wall or Waterfall format to track the project progress.
- Risk Register* – identify major risks to the project
*Required for all OIT Portfolio projects