This service request will initiate a new subaward or a modification to an existing award. If a subaward entails multi-year periods, then a modification request is needed for each year, even if there is no change to the initial budget and scope of work.
A subaward sends money to another institution in consideration of their collaboration on a research project. All subawards require an agreement to be in place between the two institutions. Only the Office of Sponsored Programs may negotiate and sign a subaward agreement on behalf of the University of Idaho.
For the Contract Review Unit (CRU) to complete the agreement with the subrecipient institution, the relevant contract information is needed. This form will require you to submit the following:
- Scope of Work for the subrecipient
- Budget for the subrecipient
- Any special terms and conditions, data management plan, or attachments
- Contact information for the subrecipient
If this information has been uploaded to VERAS then CRU can access the information there, but you must ensure that the documents are current.
NOTE: See the attached Quick Guide for tips on how to use the ticketing system.