Agreement or amendment processing

If you received an award or amendment directly from the sponsor and are unsure whether they copied the notice to either or please complete this form and attach the agreement, amendment, or addendum to initiate Post Award team’s receipt and processing.

  • This ticket type is NOT for out-going subawards - use the 'subaward or subaward amendment' ticket type under the Contract Review Unit sub-header for out-going subaward requests. 
  • Note that to request an early setup or prior approval (no cost extensions, rebudgeting, change of PI, etc. from the sponsor) the process must be initiated in VERAS using an "Early Setup" or “Sponsor Prior Approval Request” submission form.

Request Service


Service ID: 866
Mon 8/15/22 3:42 PM
Tue 5/16/23 12:03 PM