Faculty and Staff use this service to purchase licensed software for their use on U of I owned computers.
OIT Procurement will work directly with vendors to obtain the best possible pricing on all software.
Please consult with your TSP about your software needs by submitting this service request with detailed information.
Software purchases include software such as:
- Microsoft products such as Visio Pro, Power BI, SQL Server etc.
- Camtasia or SnagIt
- MiniTab
- VMware
OIT Procurement manages records of software purchases made, along with when the software needs to be renewed if applicable.
Adobe Software:
The University of Idaho has a site license agreement with Adobe for Creative Cloud and Acrobat Sign. Information on what software is provided and to whom is available in a separate article.
All software purchases are subject to a Security review, and may need to go through the IT Governance & Prioritization process.
Article - IT Governance & Prioritizat... (uidaho.edu)
Article - IT Governance & Prioritizat... (uidaho.edu)