The network firewall service provides protection for devices on the University of Idaho network. There are a set of standard network firewall policies that may be applied to University subnets. Standard user networks are EmployeeNet, VandalNet, and Limited Security Usert Network (SUN)/ Standard server networks are Server Basic, Printer, and Legacy Server. In addition, there is a border firewall where qualified systems administrators can manage internet server firewall policies for servers that are nto in Server Bsaic networks.
The network firewall service is provided to all students, faculty, staff, departments, visitors, contractors, affiliates and vendors at the university of idaho who connect ot the Univerfsity network.
Related Policies and Standards:
Administrative Procedures Manual (APM), University of Idaho Computer Use Policy
Procedures and Service Agreements:
Qualified system administrators can obtain border firewall administration access.
There is no fee for standard network firewall services. Custom firewall policy requests require an exception process.