How do I reactivate Duo Mobile?


This tutorial will walk you through how to reactivate Duo Mobile app on your mobile phone. Secure MFA is not eligible for reactivation unless you have another authentication method available to gain access to this dashboard.

If you are unsure, you can attempt to login to and if the Duo prompt does not present a phone call as an option, then you are most likely enrolled in Secure MFA. Contact the STC or your Local Support team if you have any questions or if you need to regain access without an alternate authentication method.

What is Secure MFA?

Secure MFA provides longer password expiration in comparison to non-secure MFA because it disallows Duo phone and SMS authentication. Phone and SMS authentication are considered less secure and should be avoided where possible.


Step 1:

Navigate to


Step 2:

Sign in to access your settings.
This is a picture of the main sign in window.


Step 3

At the Duo MFA prompt, if you have an valid alternate authentication method shown in the prompt then choose the option that best suits your ability to authenticate.
For example, if you have a hardware token, click "Enter a Passcode" and enter a code from the token to login.

Duo MFA prompt


Step 4: 

Once successfully authenticated, you will need to complete Duo MFA a second time. Again, choose the most appropriate device from the drop down and click the authentication method.

This is a picture of the choose an authentication method window.


If your phone number has not changed, click Call me or Enter a Passcode. If you are enrolled in Secure MFA, authenticate with the appropriate method and move to the next step.

  • If calling, you will be required to enter the digit requested at the bottom of the screen (in this case it is the digit 8). You will be logged in after you press the requested digit.
  • If you choose the other option, a code will be texted to you to enter as a passcode.


If your phone number has changed you will need to contact the STC or your local TSP or Local Support team for assistance.


This is an image of a help request.

And this is an image of a help request being answered.

If entering a passcode, click "Text me new codes" and enter into the filed. Once completed click "Log In":

This is a picture emphasizing the code text box.


Step 5: 

Now that you have again successfully authenticated, choose "Device Options" associated with the appropriate device.

Duo device home


Step 6: 

Click "Reactivate Duo Mobile."

Options for a Duo device


Step 7:

Select the appropriate device type. You will not see this step if you have a Push device, skip to the next step if this is the case.

Click Continue.

This picture demonstrates how to select a device type.


Step 8:

Download Duo Mobile if you do not already have it installed.

Once installation is confirmed, click I have Duo Mobile Installed.

This is an image of a request to download duo mobile.


Step 9:

Scan the QR code with the Duo Mobile app on your phone.

Click Continue to complete the reactivation process.

This is an image of a QR code.


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