Solid Waste and Recycling Request

Use this form to request additional solid waste or recycling services unrelated to the University of Idaho's daily waste management operations.
Examples include;

  • Office, Lab, Workshop, or Storage Clean-Outs
  • Sporting Events
  • Concerts
  • Housing Move-In & Move-Out
  • Special Dinners

This form is used to track requests and handle work assignments to ensure services are scheduled and rendered appropriately. Requests are received and turned into a work order for time keeping and to be charged if billing is required, so please ensure that all information is complete and accurate.

  • For event's outside, or additional dumpster/aggregate service requests provide details for your event in the description and a location of where the trash receptacles or recycling bins will be needed to be placed for the duration of the event.
  • For office or on-campus housing requests for service, please provide the building name and campus address, as well as the floor and room number in the request details.
  • Any other pertinent information.

When filling out the index portion of the form:

  • If the request is being made by a student please put "NA" in the index number field.
  • If the request is being made by a department, please ensure that you are using a valid index.


RSSW Rates:

  • 2-yard tow unit $50.00/day per event, which also includes one dump.
    If a container must be emptied more than once a day, an additional labor charge will be added, billed at $32.29 per container emptied*.
    Overfill fee: $50/tote above container wall height by volume or every 400lbs over the 400lb container weight rating.
  • 10-yard roll-off $12.50 per day, $100 tip fee, plus INW facility fees.
  • 15-yard roll-off $13.50 per day, $100 tip fee, plus INW facility fees.
    Overfill fee: $100/roll-off above container wall height by volume or every 50lbs over the legal GVW of the tip truck.
  • Flatbed service $50 per day, $100 tip fee, plus INW facility fees.
    Overfill fee: $100/roll-off above container wall height by volume or every 50lbs over the legal GVW of the tip truck.

*Long term service agreements may qualify for a discounted rate. Overfill fees are fixed and non-negotiable.

Recycling Containers:
Recycling bins can only be used for accepted materials such as #1 and #2 screw-top plastics, aluminum and tin cans, mixed paper and cardboard. Cardboard boxes must be broken down. All materials must be clean and dry. No food or liquid can be placed in the bins.
Glass, #3-7 plastics, food waste, or other solid waste is considered contamination and cannot be processed as recycling. Failure to adhere to University Recycling Requirements may result in losing access to the recycling service, and will result in a labor charge due to any additional handling required to process improperly deposited material where necessary at $32.29/hr.

For guidance on how to properly recycle under the University's Recycling Program Please visit How To Recycle | University of Idaho (

Unacceptable Waste:
Unacceptable waste or waste not allowed in trash or recycling receptacles at the University of Idaho includes: any hazardous or infectious materials (i.e., blood, body waste, paints, spray can, liquids, toxic substances, pesticides, oils, chemicals, non-alkaline batteries, and items containing mercury, light bulbs such as compact fluorescent bulbs, projector bulbs, sodium vapor, and metal halide bulbs, etc.) Other unacceptable waste includes furniture, metals, electronics waste such as computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, VCRs, cords, scanners, wood and construction debris, lab equipment, etc