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Services or Offerings?
Reserve a space for a meeting, event or activity.

Request this service to have an OSP member contact you to schedule a one-on-one or group training. Please include information on the requested training topic(s) and any specific trainer that you would like to meet with in OSP. We will try our best to accommodate your request and schedule.

This form gives the customer the ability to request a delivery date for university equipment and other items that need to go to surplus. All items and equipment with asset tags (Red or Yellow Property of University of Idaho stickers) must be submitted through the Asset Change/Surplus Transfer Request portal on Vandal Web. All other items should be provided on the Non-Capital Surplus Delivery List (this can be downloaded on the page attachments at the right hand side of this webpage) and attached to ticket before a surplus delivery request will be approved, after which, a delivery date can be scheduled, and items can be allowed for surplus.

This service request is to be used to request that OSP-Financial unit work with the Department and Principal Investigator (PI) to process a project closeout in advance of the project termination date and scheduled closeout period.
Work and deliverables should be completed at the time this request is initiated, and all final deliverables should have been made or scheduled to made shortly.
Use the description field to enter any questions or concerns to help us respond quickly to your needs in closing out the project.

Support for recruitment based queries/reports, training, and any troubleshooting or questions.