Close a project in TeamDynamix

The following are the steps to properly close a project in this tool:

  1. Log in to TDNext
  2. Navigate to the Projects/Workspaces module
  3. Click on the title of the project to be closed.
  4. Click on Manage (subsection under project title in the left navigation)
  5. Click on General (in the left navigation)
  6. Change End Date to the actual end date of the project.
  7. Click Save
  8. Click on Project Details (in the left navigation)
  9. Click Actions (button at the top of the Project Details page)
  10. Click Close from the drop-down menu
  11. If there are tasks, issues, or risks unfinished, select the appropriate box(es); leave blank if it does not apply.
  12. Leave the Closure Survey blank
  13. Change project status to Inactive
  14. Select an appropriate Status for the project
  15. Change the Health to None
  16. Adjust the Percent Complete to 100% - or less if project was not completed and is just being closed-out
    • Note: percentage will automatically be set at 100% if a status of "Completed" is selected.
  17. Add any comments related to the closure of the project.
  18. Click Save
  19. Select Project Details
  20. Click Actions (button at the top of the Project Details page)
  21. Select Deactivate (this is the final step to closing a project.  Nothing can be changed unless the project is reactivated.)



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Article ID: 871
Mon 6/11/18 9:32 AM
Fri 5/24/24 8:41 AM

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