Update a project in TeamDynamix

How to Update a Project in the OIT Project Portfolio

For more information about Project Portfolio Management check out TeamDynamix website:  https://www.teamdynamix.com/products/project-portfolio-management/

What is a Project in TeamDynamix?  a Project is a unit of project management in TeamDynamix.  It is designed to produce a unique product, service or result from the collective effort of a team of individuals.  It is marked by a beginning and end, although this can be changed before or during the execution of the project.  It contains a collection of Project Plans that can be created, modified or deleted while the project is being created, or before, during or after its completion.  These plans can either be tabular (Waterfall Plans) or board-based (Card Wall Plans), which specific features and benefits unique to each type, and are used to further break down the project into a series of endeavors or steps.  It contains various roject sections, such as Risks, Benefits and Time Types that allow you to further configure or integrate the project with the rest of the system.


What is a Workspace in TeamDynamix?  The Workspace acts and functions similar to Projects, but with fewer available actions and less admininstration and management overhead.  Workspaces function as collaborative platforms and will not have provisions for scheduling or time tracking.

How to Update:

Log in to TDX, open TDNEXT

First time Accessing Projects/Workspaces only:

  1. Click on grid icon in the top left corner

Click on Projects/Workspaces icon (if you don't see this, talk to the TDX Admin)

  1. You should see a list of projects you are a member of (if no projects are listed, talk to the project manager of the project you are expecting to see.
  2. Follow the steps below.

Select Projects/Workspaces on the top tab.

There are a few ways to edit your project:

  • Via left navigation
    1. Click on the project in the left navigation
      1. Drop down list for that project should appear under the title
    2. Click on Manage location right below the project you selected
      1. The project "General" page should appear in the window
    3. Click on the "Update" button at the top of the window
    4. Update New Status to reflect stage of project
    5. Update health to reflect current condition of the project (red, yellow, green)
    6. Update Percent Complete
    7. Add your status of the project in the "Comments" field
    8. Insert any party that that should receive notification of this update in the "Notification" field; click on the people button/'icon to add all fo the team
    9. Add other email addresses if necessary
    10. Verify the remaining attributes still apply (if new attributes have been added since the project was created, it may be necessary to update new attributes.

Note:  At the top of the Project Details you should see the most current update for the project.  To see historical comments/updates, click on "Feed"

  • Via Project List
    1. Click on Management Projects/Workspaces in the left navigation (projects you have access to will be listed)
    2. Click on the project
    3. Follow steps 1.3 - 1.10 above
  • Via Report on Analysis Tab
    1. Click on Analysis on the top tab.
    2. In the left navigation find the Project Reports (near bottom of list)
    3. Click on "Portfolio Master List"
    4. Select "Item Type" of Project"
    5. Click on Project Name
    6. Follow steps 1.3 - 1.10 above.

Note:  When on the window where you select Update,  you have the ability to manage the project with the activities listed in the left navigation.  This is where you would add resources, manage issues, budget, risks, etc.


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