Frequently Asked Questions About Using Adobe Sign

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Frequently asked questions

What is Adobe Sign?

Documents may be sent for approval via Adobe Sign to individuals both internal and external to the University of Idaho. Approvers may sign electronic documents without an Adobe Sign or University of Idaho Account. To learn more Learn more about Adobe Sign on Adobe’s website:

How do I use Adobe Sign?

Adobe offers self-paced tutorials on their website for using the features and functionality of Adobe Sign:

How do I Log into Adobe Sign?

Adobe Sign is a web-based application that works with modern web browsers. Any document sent to you for signature will be accessible by logging in to Adobe Sign. You can also access the document through the link provided in the notification email. If you can't find the email, simply login to your Adobe Sign account to locate the document.  

  1. Adobe Sign can be accessed at the following link:
  2. After you click the link above, enter your University of Idaho email address and hit Continue.
  3. This should redirect you to the Single Sing-on login page, where you can sign in with your University of Idaho username and password. 
  4. Approve the login attempt with Duo when prompted. 

Do I need an Adobe Sign account?

Adobe Sign accounts are not required to sign documents. All faculty automatically receive an Adobe Sign account with signing permissions.  Benefited staff are eligible for Adobe Creative Cloud licenses, but are not automatically licensed. For more information, go here. An Adobe Sign "signer and sender" account is required if you will be sending documents out for signatures. To request an Adobe Sign account or to request send capabilities on your existing account, please create a TeamDynamix ticket requesting access

Can I use Adobe Sign for any form that needs signatures?

Department, college, or division forms that are typically printed and signed should go through Adobe Sign. Paper-based forms that are typically sent by mail, email or campus mail that require a wet signature should transition to Adobe Sign.

*Note: Forms or documents containing High Risk Data cannot be sent through Adobe Sign. Forms or Documents containing Moderate Risk Data can be sent through Adobe Sign from University managed machines and accounts. If you are unsure if you are processing High Risk data, review this document from the University of Idaho Security team, or submit a TeamDynamix ticket request.

Will I have access to my completed document after it routes for signature(s)?

Yes. If you were a participant, e.g. sender, signer, or CC’d party with an Adobe Sign agreement, the document will be available on your Manage page. All parties will receive an email notifying them of completion, and a link to a PDF of the completed document.

The Manage page also allows you to monitor the document(s) status that is In Progress, Waiting for You, Complete, Canceled, Expired, and Draft.

Can I print the documents in Adobe Sign?

Yes, you have the ability to print the documents in Adobe Sign.

What email account does an Adobe Sign agreement come from?

All Adobe Sign agreements will come into your mailbox using the email address.

Can I use my mobile device to sign a form?

Yes, Adobe Sign works from all major mobile devices and tablets without needing the Adobe Sign application downloaded.

What is the signer role?

Signers are required to apply at least one signature to an agreement. This role is the default recipient role.

What is the sender role?

Users who have been assigned the sender role can send an agreement for others to sign.