In an effort to modernize and eliminate outdated or redundant services, Office of Information Technology (OIT) has initiated a project to decommission websites located at https://webpages.uidaho.edu/.
Many of these sites receive minimal usage and most have not been regularly updated. Almost all the sites do not meet current and near-future ADA accessibility standards, creating compliance and reputational issues for the university. More modern alternative platforms exist for the content on these sites, which support better branding and accessibility standards. On May 14, 2025, sites will be rendered inaccessible and content will be deleted from all webpages.uidaho.edu sites.
Abandon the site, content will be deleted on May 14, 2025. No further action from you is required.
Request a download of all content before site is deleted. Submit "Webpages Content Request" prior to May 14, 2025, to obtain your site contents.
If content still needs to be provided electronically, request your content before May 14, 2025, and move your content/site to an alternative:
Course-related content should go in Canvas.
Document sharing with internal or external parties should be done in OneDrive (with careful review of what information is being shared).
Faculty overview information, CVs, and lists of publications can go to VERSO (Vandal Expertise, Research and Scholarship Online), supported by UI Library.
Department sites can go to Sitecore if needed for external audiences: request an external webpage from UCM.
Department sites for content internal to UofI can go to the in-progress intranet on SharePoint: request an intranet site from UCM.
Research project websites can be hosted by RCDS (may involve fees).
Knowledge Base content may be hosted in services like TeamDynamix.
If an external website is needed for a university project, vanity domains are possible but would need to be hosted externally.
Individual faculty or staff websites will need to be hosted externally and that responsibility will be with the individual.
Redirects give the ability to send a users to another website when they try to access a webpages.uidaho.edu. This helps make sure the the transition from an old site to a new one still allows people to get to the information they need. Temporary redirects are possible and will be maintained until January 1, 2026. Please submit a service request and indicate that you need a redirect for your webpage.
Please submit a service request to receive a backup of your website contents here: https://support.uidaho.edu/TDClient/40/Portal/Requests/TicketRequests/NewForm?ID=G2y2KMn-2ZI_&RequestorType=Service
Alternatively, you can obtain the data from your site at W:\Webpages\[Site Name].