The Auxiliary Services Activity Request (Residence Life) Form is used to collect information from students in Housing on items they would like to purchase for events/buildings. The form will go to the Resident Hall Directors who will review/approve. Once they have approved, the form will go to Auxiliary Finance for final approval and disbursement of Pcard for students.
This form is available to All University of Idaho Etrieve Users.
Instructions for filling out form
- Required fields include:
- Building/Event
- Purchase Type
- Purchase Card
- On Campus Purchase or Interdepartmental Charge
- Other
- Vendor
- Date needed
- Optional fields include:
- Description/Notes
- Additional Notes
- Item Description and sub fields allow users to make calculations for itemized items. See image below.
- The form checks that valid emails are provided and present as users in the Etrieve system.
- Resident Director (Required)
- Area Coordinator (Optional)
The Approval Workflow Consists of the following steps:
- Form is submitted, submitter notified it was received
- If there is an area coordinator, form routed to area coordinator
- Form routed to Resident Director
- Else, form routed to Resident Director
- On approval, student notified that the activity report has been approved, and they can go to the Housing office to pick up their Pcard
- Form assigned to Auxiliary Finance group for final review.
Document Storage
The final document is not stored in Etrieve Content. Documentation related to the Pcard are uploaded to Chrome River.
Additional Information
Link to Form
Additional Images
Screen shot of itemized list calculations.