How to use PaperCut in the Student Computer Labs

How to print using PaperCut from University Computer Labs

  • Computers located in University labs are already connected to the PaperCut printing service as the default printer. The “printer” name is: "UofI-MobilePrint
  • Print the file as you would regularly.
  • Once you have printed the file, it is now within your “user” queue. The file will remain there for 12 hours or until printed.

Find any printer that you would like to print from, and select one of the following options to print:

Option 1 (Preferred): QR-Code Release

1) Scan the printer’s QR-Code with your phone’s camera app, or QR-Reader application. 


2) Sign in to the website that the QR-Code takes you to.

3) Click “Release”   

4) The file will print, and charge against your printing quota.


Please note that after scanning the QR code, it may take you to the following page rather than what is displayed in step 3. Please re-scan the QR code and it should re-direct you to the correct page.

Option 2: Keypad Release

1) At the desired printer, press "Enter", then input your Vandal Number, excluding the “V” (Example: A Vandal Number of V12345678 would just be “12345678”), followed by pressing "Enter" once more.

2) Your job will release, and charge against your printing quota.

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Article ID: 3110
Wed 8/7/24 2:01 PM
Mon 8/12/24 2:11 PM