aa |
Academic Affairs |
abo |
Administrative and Business Operations |
acct |
Accounts Payable |
accts |
Accounts Payable |
adm |
Admissions Office |
adv |
Advancement |
advs |
Advancement Services |
afrotc |
Air Force ROTC |
ai |
Academic Initiatives |
alcp |
American Language and Culture Program |
all |
All |
alum |
Alumni Office |
alumni |
Alumni Office |
argos |
Argos |
ari |
Aquaculture Research Institute |
arotc |
Army ROTC |
asl |
Analytical Sciences Laboratory |
asp |
Academic Support Programs |
asui |
Associated Students University of Idaho |
atech |
Assistive Technologies |
ath |
Athletics |
ats |
Administration Technology Services |
audit |
Internal Audit |
axs |
Auxiliary Services |
banner |
Banner |
bdgt |
Budget Office |
be |
Biological Engineering |
biol |
Biological Sciences |
bsas |
Business Systems and Accounting Services |
bt |
bt |
caa |
College of Art and Architecture |
cals |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
camp |
CAMP office |
capp |
Career and Professional Planning |
career |
Career Center |
cbe |
College of Business and Economics |
cda |
Coeur d'Alene U of I Campus |
cdar |
Center for Disability Access and Resources |
cdhd |
Center on Disabilities and Human Development |
ce |
Civil Engineering |
cee |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
cetl |
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning |
chbe |
Chemical and Biological Engineering |
chem |
Department of Chemistry |
civeng |
Civil Engineering |
class |
College of Letters Arts and Social Sciences |
cmci |
Center for Modeling Complex Interactions |
cme |
Chemical and Material Engineering |
cmhc |
Counseling and Mental Health Center |
cnr |
College of Natural Resources |
coe |
College of Education |
cogs |
College of Graduate Studies |
coho |
ITS Co-Hosted |
colo |
ITS Co-Located |
cos |
College of Science |
cosadm |
College of Science Administration |
crc |
Center for Resilient Communities |
crec |
Campus Recreation |
cs |
Computer Science Department |
csds |
Center for Secure and Dependable Systems |
csgold |
CS Gold |
csirt |
Computer Security Incident Response Team |
csj |
Department of Culture, Society and Justice |
cspm |
Creative Service Print Management |
ctc |
Counseling and Testing Center |
cts |
Classroom Technology Services |
dcs |
Departmental Classroom Systems |
dee |
Distance and Extension Education |
dev |
Office of Development |
dfa |
Division of Finance and Administration |
dining |
Campus Dining Services |
div |
Diversity |
dsi |
Department of Student Involvement |
dso |
Dean of Students Office |
dualcr |
Dual Credit |
ea |
Enterprise Applications |
earth |
Earth |
ebi |
Environmental Biotechnology Institute |
ece |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
edl |
Employee Development and Learning |
ehhs |
Education, Health and Human Sciences |
ehs |
Environmental Health and Safety |
ems |
Enrollment Management |
eng |
Engineering |
engl |
English |
english |
English |
engr |
Engineering |
eo |
Engineering Outreach |
epscor |
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research |
ess |
Events and Support Services |
evisionsregistrar |
Evisions |
ext |
CALS Extension Offices |
fa |
Financial Aid Office |
famis |
fax |
eFax |
fcs |
Family and Consumer Sciences |
fdn |
UofI Foundation |
fll |
Foreign Language and Literature |
fm |
Facilities Management |
forp |
Forestry Products |
fs |
Faculty Secretary |
fsl |
Fraternity and Sorority Life |
gadm |
Graduate Admissions |
gc |
General Counsel |
geo |
Geography and Geological Sciences |
geog |
Department of Geography |
geol |
Department of Geological Sciences |
gpo |
Group Policy Objects |
hist |
Department of History |
honors |
Honors |
housing |
Housing |
hr |
Human Resources |
hrai |
Human Rights, Access and Inclusion Office |
hrc |
Human Rights Compliance |
iam |
Identity and Access Management |
ibest |
icsu |
Idaho Commons and Student Union |
idl |
Integrated Design Lab |
igs |
Idaho Geological Survey |
iids |
Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences |
imci |
Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation |
img |
Enterprise Imaging |
ipo |
International Programs Office |
ir |
Institutional Research |
isgc |
Idaho Space Grant Consortium |
isi |
Independent Study in Idaho |
iso |
Information Security Office |
isub |
Idaho Student Union Building |
it |
Information Technology |
ited |
Industrial Technology Education |
Office of Information Technology |
itscs |
Information Technology Services - Customer Support |
itshd |
ITS Help Desk |
itsoem |
ITS Operations and Endpoint Management |
iwrri |
Idaho Water Resources Research Institute |
ixl |
Idaho Excellence in Learning |
jamm |
School of Journalism and Mass Media |
jazz |
International Jazz Office |
krc |
Kimberly Research Center |
larf |
Laboratory Animal Research Facility |
law |
College of Law |
legacy |
Legacy |
lib |
Library |
martin |
Martin Peace Institute |
math |
Department of Mathematics |
mathstats |
Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science |
mc |
Media Center |
mcnair |
McNair Achievement Program |
me |
Mechanical Engineering |
meier |
Prefix for Steve Meier |
mi |
Martin Institute |
mines |
College of Science Mines |
mlc |
Modern Languages and Cultures |
mmbb |
Microbiology, Molecularbiology, and Biochemistry |
mrc |
Microelectronics Research and Communications |
msat |
Movement Sciences |
mus |
Department of Music |
nac |
Native American Center |
net |
Networks |
niatt |
National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology |
nkn |
Northwest Knowledge Network |
none |
None |
nrotc |
Navy ROTC |
nss |
New Student Services |
o365 |
Office 365 |
ocri |
Office of Civil Rights and Investigations |
oed |
Office of Equity and Diversity |
oit |
Office of Information Technology |
oitloan |
OIT Loan |
oma |
Office of Multicultural Affairs |
opb |
Office of Planning and Budget |
ops |
ITS Operations |
orai |
Office of Research Assurances |
ored |
Office of Research and Economic Development |
osp |
Office of Sponsored Programs |
ott |
Office of Technology Transfer |
our |
Office of Undergraduate Research |
pad |
Printing and Design |
payroll |
Payroll Services |
pd |
Printing and Design |
pe |
Physical Education |
phil |
Department of Philosophy |
phones |
Phones |
phys |
Department of Physics |
prefix |
Prefixes |
pres |
Presidents Office |
prov |
Provosts Office |
pscm |
Psychology and Communication |
pss |
Public Safety and Security |
psych |
Psychology |
pts |
Parking and Transportation Services |
reg |
Registrars Office |
registrar |
Registrars Office |
rent |
ITS Depot Rentals |
risk |
Risk Management |
rs |
Resource Account Access Groups |
rw |
Recreation and Wellbeing |
sa |
Student Affairs |
scl |
Student Computing Labs |
sea |
Sophos Email Appliance |
sem |
Strategic Enrollment Management |
sesta |
Idaho Special Education Support and Technical Assistance (SESTA) |
sfs |
CSDS Scholarship for Services |
sgs |
School of Global Studies |
shs |
Student Health Services |
sm |
Student Media |
soc |
Department of Sociology |
src |
Student Rec Center |
stats |
Department of Statistics |
stuaccts |
Student Accounts |
sws |
Soils and Water Systems |
sys |
ITS Systems Team |
tio |
Trusts and Investments Office |
trio |
Department of Education - TRiO |
ua |
University Advancement |
uadv |
University Advancement Office |
uas |
University Advising Services |
uc |
University Counsel |
ucm |
University Communications and Marketing |
ugr |
Undergraduate Research |
ui |
University of Idaho |
uib |
Boise |
uicc |
UI Children's Center |
uih |
University of Idaho Housing |
uiif |
UI Idaho Falls |
uirp |
UI Research Park |
uisc |
UI Sustainability Center |
uofi |
General University of Idaho |
uro |
University Research Office |
uss |
University Support Services |
va |
Veteran Affairs |
vandalstar |
VandalStar (Hobsons Starfish) |
vco |
Vandal Card Office |
vconnect |
Vandal Connect Call Center |
vec |
Vandal Esports Center |
vhc |
Vandal Health Clinic |
vlab |
vlab |
voice |
Voice over IP (VoIP) Phone System |
vpc |
Video Production Center |
vpn |
Virtual Private Network |
vpo |
Vice Provost Office |
vpua |
Vice President for University Advancement |
wctr |
Women's Center |
web |
Web |
wireless |
Wireless |
wow |
Waters of the West |
wrdc |
Western Rural Development Center |
wwami |
WWAMI Office |