What are the department prefix / namespace groups?


To allow for easier service delegation and naming of resources, "department prefixes" are used. These prefixes / namespaces are used when naming groups, computers, devices, functional accounts and organizational units. They can represent a single department or a function within a department.

In order to use these department prefixes with technical resources, Active Directory security groups have been created and use the naming convention "prefix-<namespace>". For example, the "OIT" prefix can be identified through the "prefix-OIT" security group.


Department Prefixes

Here is a table of the current prefixes.

Prefix / Namespace Description
aa Academic Affairs
abo Administrative and Business Operations
acct Accounts Payable
accts Accounts Payable
adm Admissions Office
adv Advancement
advs Advancement Services
afrotc Air Force ROTC
ai Academic Initiatives
alcp American Language and Culture Program
all All
alum Alumni Office
alumni Alumni Office
argos Argos
ari Aquaculture Research Institute
arotc Army ROTC
asl Analytical Sciences Laboratory
asp Academic Support Programs
asui Associated Students University of Idaho
atech Assistive Technologies
ath Athletics
ats Administration Technology Services
audit Internal Audit
axs Auxiliary Services
banner Banner
bdgt Budget Office
be Biological Engineering
biol Biological Sciences
bsas Business Systems and Accounting Services
bt bt
caa College of Art and Architecture
cals College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
camp CAMP office
capp Career and Professional Planning
career Career Center
cbe College of Business and Economics
cda Coeur d'Alene U of I Campus
cdar Center for Disability Access and Resources
cdhd Center on Disabilities and Human Development
ce Civil Engineering
cee Civil and Environmental Engineering
cetl Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
chbe Chemical and Biological Engineering
chem Department of Chemistry
civeng Civil Engineering
class College of Letters Arts and Social Sciences
cmci Center for Modeling Complex Interactions
cme Chemical and Material Engineering
cmhc Counseling and Mental Health Center
cnr College of Natural Resources
coe College of Education
cogs College of Graduate Studies
coho ITS Co-Hosted
colo ITS Co-Located
cos College of Science
cosadm College of Science Administration
crc Center for Resilient Communities
crec Campus Recreation
cs Computer Science Department
csds Center for Secure and Dependable Systems
csgold CS Gold
csirt Computer Security Incident Response Team
csj Department of Culture, Society and Justice
cspm Creative Service Print Management
ctc Counseling and Testing Center
cts Classroom Technology Services
dcs Departmental Classroom Systems
dee Distance and Extension Education
dev Office of Development
dfa Division of Finance and Administration
dining Campus Dining Services
div Diversity
dsi Department of Student Involvement
dso Dean of Students Office
dualcr Dual Credit
ea Enterprise Applications
earth Earth
ebi Environmental Biotechnology Institute
ece Electrical and Computer Engineering
edl Employee Development and Learning
ehhs Education, Health and Human Sciences
ehs Environmental Health and Safety
ems Enrollment Management
eng Engineering
engl English
english English
engr Engineering
eo Engineering Outreach
epscor Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
ess Events and Support Services
evisionsregistrar Evisions
ext CALS Extension Offices
fa Financial Aid Office
famis FAMIS
fax eFax
fcs Family and Consumer Sciences
fdn UofI Foundation
fll Foreign Language and Literature
fm Facilities Management
forp Forestry Products
fs Faculty Secretary
fsl Fraternity and Sorority Life
gadm Graduate Admissions
gc General Counsel
geo Geography and Geological Sciences
geog Department of Geography
geol Department of Geological Sciences
gpo Group Policy Objects
hist Department of History
honors Honors
housing Housing
hr Human Resources
hrai Human Rights, Access and Inclusion Office
hrc Human Rights Compliance
iam Identity and Access Management
ibest IBEST
icsu Idaho Commons and Student Union
idl Integrated Design Lab
igs Idaho Geological Survey
iids Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences
imci Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation
img Enterprise Imaging
ipo International Programs Office
ir Institutional Research
isgc Idaho Space Grant Consortium
isi Independent Study in Idaho
iso Information Security Office
isub Idaho Student Union Building
it Information Technology
ited Industrial Technology Education
ITS Office of Information Technology
itscs Information Technology Services - Customer Support
itshd ITS Help Desk
itsoem ITS Operations and Endpoint Management
iwrri Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
ixl Idaho Excellence in Learning
jamm School of Journalism and Mass Media
jazz International Jazz Office
krc Kimberly Research Center
larf Laboratory Animal Research Facility
law College of Law
legacy Legacy
lib Library
martin Martin Peace Institute
math Department of Mathematics
mathstats Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science
mc Media Center
mcnair McNair Achievement Program
me Mechanical Engineering
meier Prefix for Steve Meier
mi Martin Institute
mines College of Science Mines
mlc Modern Languages and Cultures
mmbb Microbiology, Molecularbiology, and Biochemistry
mrc Microelectronics Research and Communications
msat Movement Sciences
mus Department of Music
nac Native American Center
net Networks
niatt National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology
nkn Northwest Knowledge Network
none None
nrotc Navy ROTC
nss New Student Services
o365 Office 365
ocri Office of Civil Rights and Investigations
oed Office of Equity and Diversity
oit Office of Information Technology
oitloan OIT Loan
oma Office of Multicultural Affairs
opb Office of Planning and Budget
ops ITS Operations
orai Office of Research Assurances
ored Office of Research and Economic Development
osp Office of Sponsored Programs
ott Office of Technology Transfer
our Office of Undergraduate Research
pad Printing and Design
payroll Payroll Services
pd Printing and Design
pe Physical Education
phil Department of Philosophy
phones Phones
phys Department of Physics
prefix Prefixes
pres Presidents Office
prov Provosts Office
pscm Psychology and Communication
pss Public Safety and Security
psych Psychology
pts Parking and Transportation Services
reg Registrars Office
registrar Registrars Office
rent ITS Depot Rentals
risk Risk Management
rs Resource Account Access Groups
rw Recreation and Wellbeing
sa Student Affairs
scl Student Computing Labs
sea Sophos Email Appliance
sem Strategic Enrollment Management
sesta Idaho Special Education Support and Technical Assistance (SESTA)
sfs CSDS Scholarship for Services
sgs School of Global Studies
shs Student Health Services
sm Student Media
soc Department of Sociology
src Student Rec Center
stats Department of Statistics
stuaccts Student Accounts
sws Soils and Water Systems
sys ITS Systems Team
tio Trusts and Investments Office
trio Department of Education - TRiO
ua University Advancement
uadv University Advancement Office
uas University Advising Services
uc University Counsel
ucm University Communications and Marketing
ugr Undergraduate Research
ui University of Idaho
uib Boise
uicc UI Children's Center
uih University of Idaho Housing
uiif UI Idaho Falls
uirp UI Research Park
uisc UI Sustainability Center
uofi General University of Idaho
uro University Research Office
uss University Support Services
va Veteran Affairs
vandalstar VandalStar (Hobsons Starfish)
vco Vandal Card Office
vconnect Vandal Connect Call Center
vec Vandal Esports Center
vhc Vandal Health Clinic
vlab vlab
voice Voice over IP (VoIP) Phone System
vpc Video Production Center
vpn Virtual Private Network
vpo Vice Provost Office
vpua Vice President for University Advancement
wctr Women's Center
web Web
wireless Wireless
wow Waters of the West
wrdc Western Rural Development Center
wwami WWAMI Office



Use this PowerShell code to create an html table of the prefix namespace groups for this KB article.

Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like 'prefix-*'" -Properties "Description" |
  sort Name | 
  select @{n="Prefix / Namespace";e={$_.Name -replace "^prefix-"}},Description | 
  ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | 