How to map a drive to SharePoint online with WebDAV?


Note: Microsoft recommends using the OneDrive sync client with "Files On-Demand" instead of directly mapping a drive using WebDAV. This is an alternative to the sync client and may be slower for larger file transfers.

The SharePoint Online infrastructure is available to access using the WebDAV protocol and can be mapped on a Windows computer when the WebClient service is enabled. These steps need to be followed to initially connect to the service. You will also need to reconnect to the site periodically in "Internet Explorer mode" to re-authenticate.

Warning: Microsoft has announced discontinued access to SharePoint and OneDrive using IE11 in mid-January 2023. This may adversely affect Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode in Edge. This functionality is likely to break.


Add SharePoint Online to Trusted Sites

This step only needs to be done once.

Open the "Internet Options" control panel. This can be found by typing "Internet Options" when the Windows Start menu is open.

This image demonstrates how to locate the internet options.

In "Internet Options" go to the Security tab, select "Trusted sites" and click on the "Sites" button. Add "" to the site list and close Internet Options.

This image demonstrates how to add a trusted site.


Allow Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode in Edge

This step only needs to be done once. If Internet Explorer is still available it can used instead of Edge.

Open Microsoft Edge and in the top right click on the "..." menu and select "Settings".

This image shows how to find settings.

Select the "Default browser" menu item and change "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)" from Default to Allow. You will then need to restart the browser.

This image shows how to allow sites to be reloaded in internet explorer mode.


SharePoint Classic - Open in Explorer

In Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer, visit the SharePoint Online Storage Site you want to map to a drive. In this example it is:

Once authenticated you will see the site folder list. Click on the top right menu and select "Reload in Internet Explorer mode"

This image locates the reload in internet explorer mode button.

You may be prompted to switch to Edge. Select the option to "Continue in Internet Explorer 11".

Once signed in, and in Internet Explorer compatibility mode, select the left hand option to "Return to classic SharePoint".

This image locates the return to classic share point button.

Once in "Classic" mode click on the Library tab and select "Open with Explorer".

This image demonstrates how to find the open with explorer button.

This will open the SharePoint Online site within Windows Explorer on the desktop. You may have to disable pop-up blocking for the site when you initial select the option.

Warning: if you get errors when attempting to open the site with Explorer, you may need to change the "WebClient" service to open automatically. The WebClient service handles the WebDAV connection.


Map Drive to Site

Once the site is open in Windows Explorer you can right click on the "Network" option in the left hand menu and select "Map a Network Drive".

This image locates the map network device button.

Select the drive and enter the full URL of the SharePoint Online document library. In this case it is

This is a picture of the map network drive window.



You will need to occasionally reconnect to the site. This has to be done in Internet Explorer compatibility mode. Visit the SharePoint Online site and click on the Edge "..." menu and select "Reload in Internet Explorer mode" and re-authenticate as needed.






Article ID: 2349
Tue 10/18/22 4:17 PM
Fri 3/22/24 3:59 PM