How to access an account during international travel?


Effective May 24, 2021, U of I employee accounts may encounter either a block, or a supplemental Terms of Use reminder, when accessing university systems from non-US IP addresses. Access will be allowed without restriction by completing the appropriate International Travel approval or Flexplace agreement prior to travel. This does not apply to non-employee accounts, including student, alumni, and retiree accounts, but does apply to all other or unspecified account types including for affiliates or sponsored accounts. OIT, in cooperation with the Office of Research Assurances, Human Resources, International Programs, and General Counsel, has enabled these blocks to help U of I employees protect university data, follow university policies, and comply with applicable laws.


Restricted Locations

Employees accessing systems from other International (non-US) IP addresses will require a supplemental "Terms of Use" reminding them of their policy responsibilities. It is recommended that each employee review all applicable laws and policies before traveling Internationally, only perform work if approved, and avoid taking university equipment or data when possible. If traveling for personal reasons (non-University business), no U of I equipment should be taken internationally, per APM 70.23. The supplemental terms will require daily acceptance unless travel is pre-approved.

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Blocked Locations

Employees accessing systems from IP addresses in Cuba, Iran, Syria, or North Korea will be blocked unless they have prior approval. The block message received will be a generic block:

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This block is in place to comply with U.S. Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations (EAR) for export controls and U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) trade sanctions.


Application Blocking

Various cloud applications have their own policies, outside of OIT control, which may block access from certain regions. Currently known:


More Information

For more information, please see the following policies or sites:




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Use this category to request service to reactivate a disabled account, get help with an account that has been locked out or deactivated, or have account or group ownership and members added or removed.