1. Year-end updates from Ellucian. Check for updates released by Ellucian to address annual changes required to tax forms and associated processes (Usually December)
a. Banner modules: Finance [1099], Payroll [W-2, 1095-C, 1042-S], AR [1098]
b. Open a ticket with Application Administration to install Banner updates
c. Open a ticket with Application Administration to install new tax templates
2. Tax form template changes
a. [Application Administration] Request new tax templates for FormFusion from Evisions
b. [Application Administration] Install new templates:
i. PPRD: mapspprd.uidaho.edu -> /PPRD/Finance/[new year] Tax Templates/
[NOTE: this step is needed since Banner upgrades are installed in PPRD and PPRD points to mapspprd.uidaho.edu for Evisions processing]
ii. STAG/PROD: maps.uidaho.edu -> same as pprd, but under STAG/PROD directories
iii. Template names provided to Business-Systems team [example in picture]
iv. Customization - right-click pxr1042 -> Copy. Rename copy to tzr1042
c. [Business Systems] Check with user groups [Payroll/AP/AR/etc] to determine which template is needed for each process (based on the paper size/shape/folding style) and provide the list to Developer group [Add ticket task to tax template ticket]. From example above, they needed "W2_W2F4CNB_2020" for pxrw220
d. [Developers] add records to GWVFILT based on template names provided by Business Systems
3. [Business Systems] Banner setup: new Job Submission process(es) need setup (usually just the new W-2 process)
a. GJAJOBS -> verify record exists and "use filesystem credentials" is CHECKED and default printer is set to DATABASE:
b. GJAJOBS -> [checkbox for PXPW2__ ONLY - PXRW2__ should NOT have this checkbox checked] verify record exists and "use filesystem credentials" is CHECKED and default printer is set to DATABASE:
c. GJAJBMO -> verify record exists and "enabled" is checked (NOTE: if a printer is specified and this step is not done, a log file will not get put in GJIREVO)
When running REPORTS (PXR__) lis/log output are in ~joebarb NOT in ~joebarb/jobsub/. If the "filesystems" checkbox is NOT checked, no log will be generated and "why is this not running" is VERY hard to track down
4. [User groups - Payroll/AP/AR] Test your tax forms and Banner upgrades in PPRD
a. Get "special print" value from [todo: checking where this report is]
b. run processes - provide feedback to Business Systems as needed
NOTE: Files that contain EVISIONS modifications:
- fabchkp.pc
- fardird.pc
- phpchkl.pc