How to resolve "You Can't Get There from Here" during sign-in?


During the sign-in process you may see this message and you will be blocked from continuing through the sign-in process.

You can't get there from here

This application contains sensitive information and can only be accessed from:

  • Devices or client applications that meet University of Idaho management compliance policy.

If you're not planning to do this right now, you might still be able to browse to other University of Idaho sites. Otherwise, sign out to protect your account.

Example screenshot of the message:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



This message is displayed if you are a member of a security group providing access to High Risk data AND you are connecting from a non-compliant device or personal device. Here are some steps in order to ensure your device is compliant and will be able to continue accessing High Risk data.

  • On a mobile device install the Microsoft "Company Portal" application and sign-in. Additional information is available here:
  • On a Windows computer, verify you are connecting from a university owned computer that is centrally managed.
    • You may also be required to install the "Windows 10 Accounts" browser extension to use the Chrome web browser. Microsoft Edge is recommended.
  • On a macOS computer, verify you are connecting from a university owned computer and go to Jamf Self-Service, and select the option to install the Company Portal and enable device compliance.

Your local IT support teams can assist with the installation process.



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