If you receive this error message:
User account 'jvandal@uidaho.edu' from identity provider 'live.com' does not exist in tenant 'University of Idaho' and cannot access the application 'https://...' in that tenant.
It means a Microsoft "Personal account", with the same email address, was used to sign-in instead of the "Work or school account". Microsoft previously allowed creation of personal accounts with an alias in the @uidaho.edu domain. While this is no longer available there are a few employees and students who may have both a personal account AND a work/school account with the same domain.
- Sign-out of your personal account from https://account.microsoft.com/ or another Microsoft web page.
- If you would like to continue using your personal account it is also possible to create a new browser profile in Edge or Chrome to use with your work or school account.
- Sign-in again to the service and verify the "Work or school account" option is selected. There is a link to allow you to rename your personal account so it no longer causes this conflict. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=733247