Mobile App Registration - Submitting App Installation Files

It will be the requester’s responsibility, in conjunction with the developer of the mobile app, to provide us with the installation files we need to upload to the stores.  We will coordinate the delivery of these files outside of this process when we receive your request.  Do not attempt to attach these files to your request as the tool is not designed to accept files of this type.

iOS (Apple)

It is necessary for us to “sign” the installation file with a specific, University-minted certificate before the file is uploaded to the app store.  Provide us with an unsigned version of your installation file (with an “ipa” file extension.  Make sure to note the encoded app version number and any special signing instructions (under Additional Instructions) when submitting your request.

Android (Google Play)

The installation file with an “apk” extension should be pre-signed by the app developer on delivery to us.  We will load it directly to Google Play as we received it. Make sure to note the encoded app version number when submitting your request.