This document provides instructions for how to enable email auto-forwarding in Outlook for the Web at https://mail.uidaho.edu/. An auto-forward can be configured for students, alumni and retirees. Employees are *not* allowed to auto-forward their email to another service.
Sign-in to your email at mail.uidaho.edu. This web application is referred to as "Outlook on the web".
Click on the gear symbol in the top right of the screen. Then select "View all Outlook settings".
Click on the "Forwarding" menu item and check the box "Enable forwarding". Add your personal email address to the "Forward my email to:" textbox. Then click on "Save".
It is also possible to check "Keep a copy of forwarded messages" if you want to auto-forward messages *and* keep a copy in your UofI mailbox.
After clicking on "Save" there will not be any on-screen confirmation of the save except the "Save" button will disappear.
The @idahovandals.com auto-forwarding service was setup in the year 2000 to allow Alumni to create custom email addresses that forwarded to a personal email account. In the year 2013 the service was discontinued for new enrollment and all @idahovandals.com addresses were automatically setup with @alumni.uidaho.edu accounts.
If an Alumus would like to change their @idahovandals.com auto-forward, they will need to sign-in to their @alumni.uidaho.edu mailbox and follow the instructions above to change the forwarding. For assistance accessing your @alumni.uidaho.edu account, please contact the Student Technology Center (STC).