Import Documents into Capture


Captovation Capture is an application that is used to transfer physical or digital documents to the University of Idaho's Oracle Document Imaging System.

Request administrative application assistance

Step 1:

Due to Capture permission requirements, it is recomended that you capture files from your local drive.

  1. Copy files you intend to capture to your (C:) drive.

Step 2:

To import PDFs (or any other document type) into Capture, first check if you have an appropriate "Scan Profile":

  1. Open Capture.
  2. Click the Scanner icon.
  3. On the Scan Controller window, click the dropdown menu in the upper left corner.
  4. Confirm the your scan profile (e.g., "XXX - IMPORT", "XXX - FROM DISK") is available.
  5. So, if you already have an "IMPORT" or "FROM DISK" scan profile, keep reading!  Otherwise, submit a request to have a scan profile added.

Check Scan Profile

Step 3:

  1. Select your desired scan profile (e.g, "HR - FROM TSK - TIFF" in the example below).
  2. Press Begin Scanning button. This will open a File Import window where you may select your files.

Begin Scanning

Step 4:

At this point, rather than hearing your scanner start buzzing away, you should instead see a File Import window pop up:

  1. Set File Type to All Files (*.*) instead of "TIFF Files (*.tif)".
  2. Navigate to the files you want to capture, and select them.
  3. Click Open.

Select Files

Step 5:

After you select the files to import and click the "Open" button, you should see a fast slideshow of documents, as they get imported into Capture. 

  1. Close Capture to address known errors (highly recommended)
  2. Wait a few seconds
  3. Relaunch Capture
  4. Proceed with indexing (i.e., select menu item "Indexing > Batch Indexing...").

Quick Summary:

  1. Choose the "Import" or "FROM DISK" Scan Profile
  2. Remember to change the "TIFF" dropdown to "All Files"
  3. Remember to import the files from your C: drive!
  4. Remember to close Capture and give it a few seconds to gather its thoughts after importing, and before indexing!