IT Steering Committee


The Information Technology (IT) Steering Committee is authorized by the President to facilitate IT alignment with the central mission of the institution through an IT governance process of strategic plans, roadmaps, and IT investments in collaboration with technology advisory boards listed below. The work of the committee helps to ensure a cost-effective, transparent, and strategic approach to prioritizing technology resources and investments in support of the institution’s mission and priorities. As the committee co-chair, the Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer has primary responsibility for reaching consensus, reporting, and coordination of committee recommendations.

Definition of IT Governance

 IT governance is a university-wide effort that establishes the strategic, technical, and decision-making processes, roles, and structure necessary to align IT strategy and investments with the university’s mission and goals to ensure the effective and efficient use of IT resources and services.



The following boards will be created, and each will have their own charter.

  • Academic and Learning Technology Advisory Board: Facilitate academic units in determining relevant technology needs and capitalize on opportunities for efficiencies in decisions about academic technology use and support
  • Administrative Technology Advisory Board: Facilitate a cost-effective, transparent, and strategic approach to prioritizing resources and investments in support of the institution’s administrative mission and priorities.
  • Research Technology Advisory Board: Facilitate determining relevant technology needs at a university level to capitalize on efficiencies that can positively impact the research enterprise.
  • Information Security Advisory Board: Facilitate data and infrastructure security and compliance.
  • Data Governance Board: Facilitate a cohesive approach to data management, data definitions, and data policies to address data resources at a strategy and policy level to support metrics, operational efficiencies, and strategic advantage


Board Composition and Term

  • Consists of leadership-level positions from across the institution governance groups, and chairs or representatives from technology advisory boards.
  • Membership may be permanent or rotating for 1-year to 3-year terms based on the position of each member. The membership terms for the various members will be determined after the committee has been in operation for one year. 
  • Some members can be appointed as ex-officio members.
  • Members are appointed to the committee based on recommendations from the existing members of the IT Steering Committee and other University leadership as appropriate. 
  • The committee will annually review membership, addressing gaps in attendance or participation from changing member commitments. The committee will attempt to stagger terms for rotating members where possible.

IT Steering Committee Membership

  • Co-Chair - Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer
  • Co-Chair – Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management 
  • Vice Provost [TBD]
  • Representative(s) of Deans (1-2 reps)
  • Senior Associate Vice President, Office of Research and Economic Development
  • Associate Vice President, Budget & Planning
  • Chair, Faculty Senate
  • Chair, Staff Council
  • Chair, Academic and Learning Technology Advisory Board
  • Chair, Administrative Technology Advisory Board
  • Chair, Research Technology Advisory Board
  • Chair, Information Security Advisory Board
  • Chair, Data Governance Board

The full Charter including Member and Co-chair responsibilities is available for review and is attached to this article.



Article ID: 3008
Thu 5/9/24 2:48 PM
Fri 5/10/24 5:26 PM

