Solution needs, training, ITS project requests, project consulting, and event support requests.

Services (6)

Submit a Technology IDEA

Use this service to submit a technology idea or need to the Office of Information Technology. An IDEA is a technical Innovation, project Discovery, or product Enhancement that is Actionable. This could include a new project, request for application development, an enhancement to a current application or service.

This service replaces and expands on the current Project Request and IT Governance process. Requests will be routed to the Technical Product Management Team for initial technical review and will be routed and managed through the formal IT governance process if necessary. This will provide a more streamlined and personalized experience and a timelier response to your needs.

I Have a Technology Need

Use the new "Technology IDEA" form to submit a technology request to the Office of Information Technology. This "I Have a Technology Need" service is being deprecated.

Training Request

I need some training on hardware and software.

Project Consulting & Tools

I need guidance/assistance with project management
I need access to project management tools in the Work Management System

Signature Event Support Request

Technical assistance for large events across the University.

Not Seeing What You're Looking For?

Choose this if you have a Consulting, Training, or Project concern not listed above.