Reserve a space for a meeting, event or activity.
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Enter the name of your event.
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Enter a short description of your event.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
Enter the estimated attendance for this event.
Enter the time your event will begin.
Request reoccurring dates
Request reoccurring dates
Enter the date/time your event will end and attendees will be vacating the space. Do not include the time your group will need to take down any items.
Enter the date/time that your group will access the space for your setup needs. Note, depending on the nature and complexity of the request, the Events team may require additional setup time that can impact availability of services or equipment.
Enter the date/time your group will be out of the space. This should include any time needed to remove any personal items from the space.
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Please let us know if you anticipate needing technical setup like a computer and projector for a presentation; a wireless microphone for presenter or audience; Zoom video conferencing.
No technical needs
You must inform us if you plan on having food or beverages present at your event. Failure to disclose food and beverage can result in refusal of future scheduling.
No catering or linen will be requested
You must inform us if you plan on pursuing approval from the University President for alcohol.
No alcohol permit will be requested
Your name
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