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Services or Offerings?
New account request for new employees, temp-help, and others.

Use this category to request service to reactivate a disabled account, get help with an account that has been locked out or deactivated, or have account or group ownership and members added or removed.

Use this to create a new Vandal email account, decide on a computer, and establish phone services for a new member of the Vandal family. Please provide advance notice, as it can take 2-3 business days to fully resolve. Any missing information on the submitted form may negatively impact our ability to meet the expected delivery date.

Requests for new Slate / Mongoose accounts or permission changes, importing new contacts into Slate, resolution of technical SEM problems, answers to technical SEM questions, technical Slate person query / report set up or modification, or technical SEM training.

To reset your password yourself go to the Password Reset Tool at If you have already changed your password and still cannot access services, please send an email from any account to  Please include your NetID, Vandal Number, an any error messages you receive in your email.

Take away old, broken or outdated technology for you.

Note: All technology that stores data (computers, printers, credit card machines, FAX machines, etc.) must go through the department's IT support to properly prepare and dispose of the equipment.