Your one-stop-shop for requesting all OIT Services for new employees.

The New Employee Guide can be found at

Services (4)

New Employee Services from OIT

Use this to create a new Vandal email account, decide on a computer, and establish phone services for a new member of the Vandal family. Please provide advance notice, as it can take 2-3 business days to fully resolve. Any missing information on the submitted form may negatively impact our ability to meet the expected delivery date.

Hardware Procurement Request

For requesting U of I approved computers and equipment. If your hardware is broken or malfunctioning please submit an Incident Ticket.

Software Procurement Request

Facutly and Staff use this service to purchase software or renew licensed software for their use on U of I owned computers.

Not Seeing What You're Looking For?

If you can't find the specific service you are in need of, or if you are unsure of what service to select, you should submit a general request and let us help you determine the best way to address your need.