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Step-by-step instructions on how to properly close a project within the work management system.
Project management is a set of principles, methods, tools, and techniques for the effective management of objective-oriented work (projects). The methodology provides repeatable processes and is used in the context of a specific and unique organizational environment. Project management is the method used to bring a project to a successful conclusion.
Step-by-Step instructions for various ways to access and manage updates to a project.
Step-by-step instructions on how to create a project in Team Dynamix
Outlines the process for creating a project template within TeamDynamix, which are useful for repeating Projects or project Plans.
Outlines the formatting required for Initiatives, Programs, and Projects created in the work management system.
This article explains how to check print quota using the Account Management page (
Standards and procedures for configuring a new user in the University of Idaho's TeamDynamix (TDX) work management instance.
This tutorial will show group owners how to add and remove members from mail enabled security groups and resource groups through the account management page.
This article describes how to manage and dispose of records, as well as the security implications of the included processes.
Frequently asked questions about Softdocs, including forms and workflows.
Learn how to set the password on your account. To follow these directions you need to know your username, password and setup your security profile.
Steps on how to install Oracale Imaging, U of I's Document Imaging system. Contact your supervisor to request access to the Document Imaging system.