Scanning in the Labs


Instructions on how to use scanners in labs.


Instructions for Scanning in the Labs

Scanning in the labs can often be confusing. Here are instructions for two different methods of scanning. At the end is a comon scanning issue/solution.


Scanning as an Image

Step 1

Place the item face down in the scanner.


Step 2

Open up ESPON scan on the desktop.

This is a picture of EPSON scan.


Step 3

Select Scan.

This picture highlights the scan button.


It will be saved as img001.png, img002.png, img003.png etc., unless changed.


Scanning Multiple Pages

Step 1

Place the item face down in the scanner.


Step 2

Open up ESPON scan on the desktop.

This is an image of EPSON scan.


Step 3

Select "Office Mode" at the top right.

This image highlights the Office Module button.


Step 4

Select Scan.

This image highlights the scan button.


Step 5

Change Type to PDF (*.pdf)

This image demonstrates how to change a document format type to PDF.


Step 6

Make sure the "Show Add Page dialog after scanning." box is checked.

This image highlights the show add page dialog after scanning.

Click OK and the first page will scan.


Step 7

After the scan finishes click Add Page.

This image highlights the add page button.

Place next item face down in the scanner.

Press Scan.

Repeat the last 3 steps until all pages are scanned, then press Save File.


Common Scanning Issue

Not scanning whole document

This issue happens when a document has large patch of white near the edge of the document. The Scanner assumes that it is seeing the white backdrop behind the paper and cuts the paper off.

Lift the top of the scanner up and run a scan with it open. This will put a black outline around the whole page that can be edited off in paint.



Article ID: 751
Fri 5/4/18 5:06 PM
Tue 3/26/24 6:23 PM